Part Seven

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Ben had walked off to an alleyway along with Gabriela. She had somehow slipped away from Eleanor and Dorian.

A couple moments past as Eleanor noticed Gabriela's absence; she walked quickly into the alleyway close by.

"Gabriela?" Eleanor called out.

Her eyes adjusted to the dark-what she saw was Gabriela being held back by multiple pirates.

"Gabriela!" Eleanor started to run towards her before being stoped by a certain pirate.


"Uh, guys! Where are Gabriela and Ben?" Carlos asked.

The group looked at him with panic, Dorian looking the most stressed out.

"Ella is gone, too!" Evie yelled.

The four of them began to look around before seeing figures in the alleyway.

"Guys, don't scare us like that." Evie said with a sigh, putting her hands on her hips.

As the figures got closer they realized there were only two.

"Don't scare you?" Harry said, a mocking tone to his voice.

He had his hand wrapped tightly around Eleanor's mouth, his sword at her throat.

He took me by surprise! Eleanor thought.

"What did you do with our friends?" Jay asked, puffing out his chest like a bird.

"Oh, ah, we nicked them." Harry said, gesturing towards the alleyway with a slight nod of his head.

They all looked at each other than back to Harry and Eleanor.

"And this one tried to interfere, as always; little Wicked Snitch of the West." Harry said with a laugh, looking down at Eleanor.

He pushed her in Carlos's direction and he quickly pulled her into a hug.

Harry gave another laugh before continuing, "And if you ever want to see them again, have Mal come to the chip shop tonight. Alone." Harry said, pointing at them threateningly.

Carlos was holding Eleanor in a hug, stopping her from trying to fight Harry.

"So you're still seaweed-brains little aren boy?" Eleanor said in a mocking tone.

Harry glared at her with annoyance.

Jay looked like he was about to bunch Harry but stayed in place, his hands in fists.

"Aw, Jay, looks like you lost your touch. You should take a lesson from your lizardy friend." Harry said mockingly.

Jay tried to punch him then, being stopped by Evie and Dorian. Harry laughed and barked at Carlos before walking away, ignoring Dorians existence.

*a lot of explaining later...

"If you hadn't let them come here, none of this would've happened. What were you thinking?" Mal yelled.

"They were going to come with or without us, we just wanted to protect them." Evie said quickly.

"Yeah, and we blew it." Carlos added.

Well they began to argue Dorian walked over to Eleanor, who was pacing in a nearby room.

He stopped her and put a hand on her shoulder, making her flinch.

"Look, Eleanor, I'm so sorry-"

Eleanor ripped away from his grasp and glared at him.

"I don't want your apology." She said angrily.

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