Part Six

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Eleanor practically ran to the hideout. Almost tripping many-a-time.

As she ran, people in the streets moved to the side. Some whispering about her, some fainting from her reappearance. Lots of people screaming, though that wasn't new(that kind of stuff was normal when you looked just like your mother who was thought to be the second worst villain in the land).

She threw a rock at the sign outside their hideout and ran up the stairs.

"Mal!" Eleanor yelled.

Mal quickly wiped her head around. She looked at Eleanor with confusion.

"They came here! Carlos, Evie, and Jay," Eleanor said, and you could hear the worry in her voice.

Mal just let out a frustrated breath and continued to spay-pant the wall.

Eleanor watched Mal for a moment before realizing she wasn't planning on leaving any time soon. She ran to her room, moving a giant certain. Eleanor threw her bag to the side and slumped down into a raged chair.

She flipped on a small lamp and grabbed a book from a nearby table. It had been bookmarked before she left the isle.

She picked it up, and continued where she left off.

*earlier that same day(on the isle)...*

The six of them walked along the isle with Evie taking the lead. Jay and Carlos were on high alert looking for anyone around them. They turned into a gloomy ally way.


The six turned to the noise, looking for the culprit. Jay and Carlos looked ready to fight, while Gabriela hid behind Dorian.

"Chestery?!?" Evie, Carlos, and Jay said in unison.

Ben backed up with a startled yelp as the monkey moved slightly forward.

Carlos started to slowly approach him, doing his best not to scare Chestery.

After he got a little closer he bent down to be eye level with him.

"Chestery, can you lead us to Ella?" Carlos asked hopefully.

They all knew (well...except Ben) that if anyone knew where she was, it would be him.

Chestery backed up, than flew past the six of them. Carlos stood up, putting his arms in the air.

Jay gave him a pat on the shoulder.

"At least you tried."

*back to the present*

Jay chucked a rock at the sign, making the gate lift. Ben quickly went up the stairs towards Mal. Gabriela began to fallow him before noticing Dorian wasn't behind her.

"Aren't you coming?" Gabriela asked, stress laced in her voice.

Everyone turned to him.

"I-I'm going to stay here." He said, looking down at his feet.

Jay walked over to Dorian, standing over him with a glare.

"Did you do something?" He questioned, a bit of anger in his voice; Dorian looked up at him with surprise.

Carlos and Evie automatically understood what Jay was thinking.

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