Part One

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Ben sat at his desk, his best friend standing over him as he tried to find the words to convince his father-and said friend-that his idea was going to be a good one.

"Who's kids do you plan on bringing here?" The boy asked him, a bit hotly.

Ben spun around in his swivel chair, taking a deep breath before he spoke, "Five people, the ones who I think need the most help."

The other boy waited (impatiently) for Ben to continue, tapping his ruby red shoe on the polished floor.

"I've already figured out who," Ben continued, trying to tone down his excitement and talk in a proper manner.

"Who, Ben?" The other boy asked, sounding quite irritable.

Ben took another deep breath, "The Evil Queen, Jafar, Cruela Devil," he took a small pause, waiting for a response, getting a go on sort of nod, "Maleficent," he said, stopping again.

This time he got a bit more of a response:
"Maleficent?! Ben, of all people, you choose one of the worst villains in the land?!" The boy sputtered loudly.

Ben hopped up, standing very close to his panicked friend. He gave him a pat on the shoulder; the other boy brushed it off gently.

"Who else?" He questioned with a great sigh.

"What?" Ben asked, clearly caught off guard.

"You said 'five people', there's one more," he stated, his tone going back to normal as he partly excepted the previous villain.

Ben stood up very straight, trying not to twiddle his fingers.

"The Wicked Witch of the West," he said finally, holding his head high.

The other boys eyes went wider than Ben thought possible, his skin growing deadly pale.

"The Wicked Witch of the West?" He echoed, his voice slightly hallow.

"Yes," was all Ben said, bracing for his friends response.

"Ben, she's just as bad, if not worse than Maleficent. She terrorized both Oz and Aurodon, and you want to bring her kid here?" His voice was growing angry now, a deadly edge in his tone that Ben had never heard before.

"Trust me, Dorian...please," Ben said, his voice strained as he tried to sound calm.

The boy, Dorian, sighed, putting a hand on his friend's shoulder, "I trust you, I just can't say the same for them."

*On the Isle of the Lost...

Eleanor was sitting on a bench outside her parents shop, Book and Brew, quietly studying, papers and books sprawled out on her lap and the ground in front of her.

"Hey, Ella," Carlos greeted, plopping down next to the green girl.

"Hello, Carlos." Eleanor said in return, pushing her glasses back up her nose and gathering up her papers.

"I've been looking for you," Carlos continued, bumping her with his elbow.

Eleanor sighed as Carlos grabbed her arm, dragging her along the streets of the Isle. Eleanor looked back over her shoulder just in time to see a scarecrow pop out of the shop and grab her things, taking them inside.

Carlos liked running around the Isle much more when he was with Eleanor. For one thing, she was one of his best friends, and for another, no one dared mess with the two of them.

"You have ink on your face," Evie said as soon as Eleanor and Carlos found their friends, who were all leaning against crates and boxes in a dark alleyway.

"I was studying," Eleanor said simply, refusing to remove the ink from her skin.

"Why do you even bother with that stuff?" Mal asked with a slightly angry look on her face, messing with her nails.

"Because, unlike you, I care about getting a good education." Eleanor stated with a new annoyed look on her face.

Jay scoffed, crossing his arms, "You're already smart," he said, saying it as though it was an insult, knowing Eleanor would take it as a compliment no matter how he put it.

"Look, Ella," Evie said, stepping forward and placing a hand on Eleanor's shoulder, whipping off the ink with the other, "as your friend, I'm asking you to do the responsible thing; stop reading."


"You will go, you will find the Fairy Godmother, and you will bring me back the magic wand. Easy peasy." Maleficent said as she filled her nails.

The four of Eleanor's friends stood in front of her while she sat in Elphaba's lap. She had her arms wrapped around Eleanor in a hug, and her head on top of her daughter's as they both stared at Maleficent.

The two of them watched as the rest of Eleanor's friends argued with their parents about going.

"So much anger packed into that little package." Elphaba mumbled from behind Eleanor.

Eleanor tried not to laugh as Maleficent strode across the room like an angry bird.

"You know you don't have to go if you don't want to." Elphaba said, leaning forward a bit to look at her daughter.

"I don't want to go without you." Eleanor mumbled, turning to face her.

A small smile appeared on Elphaba's face before she moved back to her original position to actually listen to what Maleficent was saying.

Eleanor did the same as she wrapped her arms around Elphaba's.

"-People used to cower at the mention of our names!!" Maleficent was saying loudly, throwing her hands in the air.

Eleanor knew her mom was rolling her eyes on the inside. (Well, knowing her she was probably rolling her eyes on the outside). Eleanor could hardly listen to Maleficent, for she seemed to be repeating the same rant she'd given hundreds of times.

"Revenge on Snow White and her horrible little men," said Maleficent, going off script from her usual banter.

"Ow." The Evile Queen said duly.

"Revenge on Aladdin and his genie!" she went on, pointing to Jafar as though he wouldn't know she was talking to him.

"I will-" Jafar started, being stopped by Jay, who grabbed his arm.

"Revenge on Dorthy and her gang of misfits!"
Maleficent shouted, now talking to Elphaba, sounding as though she was trying to provoke her, knowing full well one of those misfits was her unofficial husband.

Eleanor looked back at Elphaba as she glared at Maleficent. She never yelled at Eleanor, but when she made that face her eyes were like daggers.

Out of all the people in this room, she had the best reason for hating her sworn enemy; she took the one thing she had left of her sister.

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