Part Eighteen

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"Stay still!" Evie chirped, fluffing the fabric she was attaching to the ensemble that was slowly forming.

Evie had insisted that she must sow Eleanor another dress for this party. Oz forbid she wear the same dress twice.

"You know, instead of making the person who doesn't want a new dress stand in place for three hours, you could use this time on someone who wants a dress." Eleanor commented, putting her arms out as Evie adjusted the top of her dress.

"Speaking of the dance," Evie started, a small smile creeping onto her face, "do you have a date yet?"

Eleanor scoffed, "I think you know the answer to that; no one wants to go with me."

"What about Gabriela?" Evie asked, no longer able to contain her smile.

Eleanor's face went a dark shade of green. The room was silent for a long moment while Evie continued on with her dress.

"How would I even ask her?" Eleanor queried quietly, staring at the wall.

"She might ask you." Evie proposed, still messing with her skirt.

"There are plenty of reason that statement is poppycock." Eleanor said, a bit loader than her former comments.

Evie sighed as she spun Eleanor to a mirror.

"You look beautiful, and you will look beautiful at the dance, with or without a date." Evie complemented, giving Eleanor a loving side hug.

"What if she rejects me?" Eleanor asked, looking at her reflection in the impressively clean mirror.

Evie stepped in front of her and grabbed her green hands, "Then it's her loss."


"All you have to do is look like me." Jay responded to Carlos attempting to get relationships advise.

"Ha, ha, very funny." The boy said, crossing his arms.

Eleanor walked beside the two of them, holding a medieval looking book against her chest. Earlier Evie had also had a relationship talk with Carlos, telling him to just be himself.

Evie's advise was a bit bland in Eleanor's opinion, than again, she knew she wouldn't have done any better.

"You've been quiet today." Jay commented, getting Eleanor's attention.

"Yeah, what's up?" Carlos joined in.

"She's contemplating asking Gabriela to the dance." Evie chimed in, smiling at Eleanor.

"I knew it," Carlos whispered excitedly to himself.

"No I'm not!" Eleanor said loudly and defensively.

"Oh yeah, so, I can ask her?" Jay stated jokingly, adjusting his shirt in a douche-bag manner.

"Don't you dare!" Eleanor exclaimed, lightly smacking him in the arm with her book.

Jay laughed but stopped quickly when he saw Dorian approaching them. He had his usual red glittery sneakers, blue pollo shirt, punchable face.

"Can you please tell Gabriela you forgive me so she'll talk to me again?" Dorian pleaded, jumping back as he noticed Jays glare of pure hatred, as well as Carlos's attempted scary glare, though the hatred was deep.

"I may not be mad at you, but that doesn't mean I forgive you." Eleanor said, pushing her glasses back up her nose.

"Please! Even Glinda is mad at me! I didn't know how much of a grudge she could hold!" Dorian yelled, quite thoughtfully on that last part.

Eleanor mumbled under her breath, going unnoticed by Dorian, "You have no idea."

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