Part Nine

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"You!" Everyone heard a voice from across the garden.

The VK's tried to make their way to Mal. Eleanor was holding a cup in her hand; in her haste, she bumped into someone, spilling it all over them.

"I'm so sorry!" Eleanor said, quickly getting napkins off the table.

She then tried to hand the napkins to the person.

"Witch!" The man yelled.

Eleanor finally looked at him. She realizes who she was talking to.

Boq backed away from her before freezing up, going stiff from the liquid.

"I'm sorry, I have to go!" Eleanor said, running off.

She didn't even notice Edwin standing close by. After she walked off, Dorthy and Dorian walked over.

"Tin Man, what happened!" Dorthy exclaimed.

She took a thing of oil out of her bag and fixed him up quickly.

"It was that witches daughter!" He yelled, pointing in her direction.

He grabbed Edwin and pulled him under his arm.

"She's really here?!" Dorthy asked, looking around.

"I told you!" Dorian yelled.

Dorthy glared at him. His shoulders slumped a bit as he looked down at his feet.

Dorthy turned back In the direction that Boq had pointed, "That little Witch!"


Eleanor had been out of earshot for the conversation. She finally got to Mal.

She stood by Evie, trying to assess the situation.

"Don't do this, Chad." Ben said, an angry tone to his voice.

Eleanor leaned towards Evie.

"What's going on?" She asked.

Evie leaned down slightly.

"I'll explain later." She answered.

Eleanor nodded and looked forward.

She noticed Gabriela standing near Chad, she had a nervous expression. When she noticed Eleanor looking at her she gave an apologetic look.

"What do you think villains teach their kids, huh?" Chad started, "Kindness? Fair play? No way, okay." Chad got louder as he went on.

"Chad!" Ben said firmly, but he continued.

"You stole another girl's boyfriend," Chad said, pointing at Mal.

Ben almost jumped at Chad before Mal stopped him.

"You enjoy hurting people," he said to Jay.

"You put a spell on Gabriela," Chad said, he got close to Eleanor, looking down at her.

Evie got In front of her, as Eleanor got a slightly confused but annoyed expression.

Oh! Well this "spell" is new information to me!

"And you," Chad said, a smirk growing on his face, "you're nothing but a gold digger, and a cheater."

Chad backed up with a satisfied smirk on his face.

Eleanor stood next to Evie, glaring at Chad.

"Mirror, mirror, in my hand, who's the biggest jerk in the land!" Evie said, shoving the mirror in his face.

"What! Come on!" He exclaimed, pushing Evies hand.

"Back up, Chad!" Jay yelled, pushing Chad with force.

Eleanor started panicking. Her eyes glowing a bright emerald green.

"Get away from him!" Eleanor yelled, pushing Chad with all her strength.

As she did so, a wave of green energy hit him. He fell to the floor. Sleeping?

Everyone gasped.

Eleanor backed up, now panicked.

"Come on." Jay said, grabbing onto Eleanor.

The five of them ran off.

As the panic unfolded, Dorian grabbed Gabriela and kept her close to him.


"Madam Morrible!" Dorthy called.

She marched along the courtyard. Boq, Edwin, Dorian, and Gabriela close behind.

Gabriela was still behind dragged by Dorian.

Glinda walked over as well. She looked at Dorthy intensely, silently awaiting what she would say.

"We have to do something!" She practically screamed.

Glinda stepped forward, taking Gabriela into her arms and giving Dorthy a small smile.

"I'm sure it was an accident-"

"My dear girl, I have it under control." Madam Morrible said, giving Glinda a warning look.

"Madam, are you sure?" Dorian asked, standing next to Boq.

Dorian didn't notice, but Boq was giving Glinda a mocking look.

"Yes, my dear. It won't be a problem." Madam Morrible said.

Dorthy gave her a smile and a nod. The four walking off.

Glinda turned to Madam Morrible.

"You know full well she didn't do that on purpose." Glinda said, her voice quiet but angry.

"Oh, my dear, Galinda," Madam Morrible said, walking closer to her, "your a public figure, you know. Wouldn't want something happening that would cost you your position."

Glinda pulled Gabriela close to her. She Glared at her old teacher.

"I am willing-"

Madam Morrible put a finger out, making Glinda go silent.

"Miss. Galinda, I know an old friend of yours who wouldn't want you to do such a thing. I believe you made a promise?" She mocked.

Gabriela glared at the foul woman along with her mother.

Madam Morrible grabbed a cookie from a nearby table, "And after all," she said, giving Glinda a knowing look, "if it does come to drastic measures- she is the daughter of the second most dangerous villain, after all-weather is my specialty."

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