Part Six

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"Miss Eleanor," Madam Morrible called, making the green girl stop dead in her tracks on her way out the door, Gabriela in front of her.

"Yes," Eleanor questioned, trying to keep her snarky attitude to a minimum.

Gabriela looked nervously between the two, eager to grab Eleanor and get out of the classroom as quickly as possible without sprinting.

"Miss Gabriela, I see no need to keep you as well," Madam Morrible stated, making a slight shoo-shoo motion with her hand.

Eleanor gave Gabriela a small, slightly apprehensive nod, making her walk off very slowly so she could stay in earshot as long as possible. Madam Morrible noticed this trick, reaching around Eleanor to close the door.

"I've noticed you brought an animal to Auradon," the woman said, staring down at Eleanor for a reaction.

"His name is Eddy, and unlike Oz-which is corrupt and run by lunatics-in Auradon, Animals are free to speak their minds." Eleanor said calmly, almost surprising herself with her even tone.

Madam Morrible's eye twitched ever so slightly; "Whatever happened to that flying monkey of yours?" She asked, switching gears.

"Out of your reach; which is surprising given your talon-like nails," Eleanor replied, deciding it was fine to insult appearances in this case, something she'd usually stay away from.

"My dear, it is my duty to make sure that thing is properly handled," Madam Morrible pressed, moving closer to Eleanor.

The green girl didn't budge, "If you're this concerned then I suppose this is a matter to bring up to Ben," she said, copying the preppy tone Gabriela often used, which felt strange and foreign on her tongue.

Madam Morrible clenched her jaw, as Eleanor had backed her into a perfect corner that left her to drop it or try and appeal to Ben, who had made his stance on inclusiveness clear.

Eleanor left without another word, leaving Madam Morrible standing with her jaw set, eyebrows raised, and lips pursed, her hatred for the girl growing to match that of her hatred for Glinda, perhaps even Elphaba.


Eleanor had finally decided there was only one thing left to do about her nightly tragedies; talk to her parents about it. She would simply, and discreetly, visit them before anyone even noticed she was gone, after Gabriela went to sleep.

She quietly got out of bed, slipping on her glasses and putting a jacket and beanie over her pajamas. Eleanor then quietly put on socks and boots, grabbing her broom and slipping out the door.

The only issue arose when she ran into Glinda, who took one look at her and her broom and tilted her head.

"Where are you going in such a hurry," Glinda questioned, "And this late."

Eleanor clumsily held her broom behind her back in a feeble attempt to hide it, "I could ask you the same thing." She announced stubbornly.

Glinda placed a hand on her hip and raised an eyebrow.

Eleanor sighed, allowing her broom to drop back to her side, "I'm going to the Isle," when Glinda made a face, Eleanor quickly added, "Just for a couple hours!"

Glinda was at a loss for words, not sure if she should lead Eleanor back to her dorm or watch her fly off into the night.

Eleanor seemed to see the gears turning in Glinda's head, looking down at her broom before strongly holding it out towards Glinda.

"Come with me," Eleanor said, sounding both unsure and confident at the same time; it sounded like a gentle request.

The blonde woman stared down at the broom, getting a jarring case of déjà vu, as though she was back in that attic, guards running up the stairs outside, making a split decision she often questioned late at night, when she couldn't sleep.

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