Part Fourteen

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*Evie, Mal, and Dorian's adventure...

The three speed walked for at least thirty minutes to find Glinda. When they finally found her they saw that Lonnie beet them to it.

"Lonnie?" Dorian questioned, pointing between her and Glinda.

The girl in question looked a bit shaken but stern.

"What's going on?" Lonnie asked, looking at Mal and Evie.

"Sweetie, I told you; it's a really long story." Glinda told her sympathetically, sounding a bit sad.

Lonnie threw up her arms in frustration, "That's what everyone keeps telling me!" She complained loudly.

"What do we do?" Evie asked Glinda, feeling a bit bad for ignoring Lonnie.

Glinda looked calm but was obviously about to have a breakdown if anything else went badly.

"I'll text Jay and Carlos." Mal mumbled, pulling out her phone.

"This is my fault!" Dorian blurted out.

Everyone turned to him with confused faces. Mal also looked over at him, putting her phone back In her pocket. (Fun fact; Eleanor didn't tell Mal everything. She gave her every detail up until the end-there it got a bit fuzzy.)

Evie clinched a fist and walked over to him, "Dorian, explain... Now."

*Meanwhile, with Eleanor, Jay, Carlos, Gabriela, and unfortunately, Madam Morrible...

Jay held Eleanor close to his chest the whole way to the infirmary. Carlos had a worried expression that matched Gabriela's as they both stayed close to Jay's side.

"So, ah, what's the plan when we get there?" Carlos whispered to Jay.

Madam Morrible walked ahead of the three of them (Eleanor isn't really walking, so she's not included) humming a tune which would be endearing, given it was any other person in the kingdom.

"Dude, I didn't have a plan the last five times you asked." Jay said, not exactly angry, but definitely tired.

Madam Morrible came to a halt, making the three of them fallow suit.

"We've arrived!" She said in a teachers announcing voice.

She opened the door and grandly gestured for them to walk in first. Jay hesitantly walked in, than Carlos, than Gabriela; who scurried past Madam Morrible.

"Jane?" Carlos said with confusion at the sight of the girl arranging some bandages in a drawer.

She flipped around with surprise, making it obvious she didn't hear them come in.

"Oh! Ah, hi." Jane said, stumbling over her words and half-heartedly waving.

Her awkward smile faded when she saw the green-girl unconscious in Jays arms.

Remember how Jane would squeak as she walked past the VK's? Yeah? Well, she never really lost that habit when she crossed paths with Eleanor. Much to the witches annoyance.

"What happ-"

"It's kind of a long story!" Gabriela said, interrupting Jane mid sentence.

Jane quickly excepted that she was the one they were looking to for help with this. She started to move closer to Jay and he reluctantly loosened his grip on Eleanor for the first time in about thirty minutes, at least.

"Well... she is obviously unconscious. And she has lauds of burns, but..." Jane trailed off as she examined one of the burns closer, "they don't seem to be from heat exposure."

Gabriela pasted a worried look to Carlos and Jay.

"Well, that is strange." Madam Morrible mussed, putting a finger to her chin.

Jay resisted the overwhelming erg to punch the old hag in the face, also wondering how much she knew.

"It was an allergic reaction." Carlos said, giving Jane the bare minimum explanation.

They all stood in silence for a long moment.

"Alright, I can't exactly give anything to help the burns, but I can tell you that she should naturally wake up." Jane said, giving a shrug.

"So... she'll just wake up naturally?" Jay asked, a bit annoyed that they were dragged here for this.

"Yeah, it's getting dark, so I would just put her in bed; she should be fine in the morning." Jane explained nonchalantly.

It was getting dark out.

"So we can leave now?" Gabriela asked without thinking.

Everyone turned to her with tired faces. Carlos sighed.

"Sounds good to me, todays been so tiring!"

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