Part Eleven

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Nock, nock.

"Come in!" Fairy Godmother called.

She was filling out paperwork in her office.

The door opened to reveal Madam Morrible. She walked in gracefully, closing the door behind her.

"May I have a word with you?" She asked, in her usual deep and condescending tone.

"Oh, of course; have a seat." Fairy Godmother said, a bit of worry crossing her face.

Madam Morrible sat down in front of her desk. She smoothed her over-the-top red dress as Fairy Godmother watched her expectedly.

"It's about Miss Eleanor Thropp. You see, Dorian sent me a digital message that contained a picture of her with a flying monkey." Madam Morrible explained.

"A-a... flying monkey?" Fairy Godmother questioned.

"It is my recommendation that she is sent back to the Isle." Madam Morrible said calmly.

Fairy Godmother looked stunned by her suggestion.

"Well, I believe that's a little harsh. Don't you?" She said, raising her voice a bit.

"I don't want a repeat of her mother." Madam Morrible said firmly.

Fairy Godmother was at a loss for words. Of course she wanted what was best for Auradon. But in her eyes, Eleanor had done nothing to deserve that.

Madam Morrible stood up, walking to the door, "Please inform me when you come to your senses. That child is a disaster waiting to happen."

When she walked out, Glinda was seen in the doorway. She looked at Fairy Godmother with a confused and worried expression.

"Come in, your Goodness." Fairy Godmother said, sounding exhausted.

Glinda slowly walked over and sat in front of her, her pink dress puffing out as she did so.

"What's going on?" Glinda asked.

Fairy Godmother gave a tired expression, "Madam Morrible wants Eleanor sent back to the Isle-"

"What for?!" Glinda interrupted, practically screaming.

Fairy Godmother had known how fond Glinda was of Eleanor-everyone knew that her and the Wicked Witch were friends, long ago- but she would never expect such a severe response from Glinda. Interruption, technically.

Glinda had a bit of an embarrassed look on her face.

"What have you come to talk to me about?" Fairy Godmother asked, trying to change the subject.

"It's about the Isle of the Lost," Glinda started, making Fairy Godmother tense up, "There are some people who shouldn't be there,"

Glinda paused for a moment, knowing she was walking on thin ice.

"What exactly are you proposing?" Fairy Godmother asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I just think it's a bit... cruel that we brought some of them back to life; just to put them on the Isle." Glinda explained, dancing around her point.

"And some were just in hiding. Waiting to bring us down." A new voice said.

"King Adam," Glinda greeted, trying not to show that her blood was boiling, "it's so good to see you again."

"It's just 'Adam' now, Ms. Glinda. And it's very nice to see you as well." King-I mean: Adam said, his voice very proper.

"Is there something you would like to discuss?" Fairy Godmother asked, looking in his direction.

"I just heard Ms. Glinda's proposal. You wouldn't mind if I stay, would you?" Adam asked, pointing to a seat next to Glinda.

"Not at all. Have a seat." Fairy Godmother said before gesturing for Glinda to continue.

Glinda watched Adam sit next to her. She took a long deep breath before continuing.

"I feel that the Isle is just a bit strange. Maybe we could consider something a little less drastic." Glinda said, putting on her best professional voice.

"They are villains, Ms. Glinda." Adam said sternly.

"She has a point, Adam," Fairy Godmother started.

Adam gave her an annoyed look; Glinda having a small wave of relief.

"Glinda is right; it's wrong to just torture them on the Isle. How can we call ourselves the good guys if we continue such a cruel thing?"

Adam had an angry expression. His fists were bald up at his sides as he stared at the two of them.

"They are villains. Wicked. Cruel. They are monsters. And they will always be that way." Adam said dryly.

Now Glinda was the one balling her fists.

"Shouldn't you be all about second chances?!" She yelled, standing up from her seat, " You got a second chance, why shouldn't they get one, too?"

"Ms. Glinda," Fairy Godmother said, slightly stunned.

Glinda looked back at her, then to Adams now conflicted face.

Adam put a hand to his head and rubbed his temple.

"Well, it's not me you have to convince."

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