"How was your outing darling?~" He jested, acting as if they were some old married couple or something that left Lucifer blushing his rarer shade of yellow at the odd pureness in his questioning.

"Fine, just a couple of little demons sticking their noses where they don't belong. You should eat something other than nurses if you know what's good for you."

Alastor nearly spit out his tea when hearing that, a fluster of red on his cheeks. He was blushing a lot more lately and noticing how his heart fluttered in and out whenever he had the attention of the king. Also, there was a fair amount of embarrassment when he was called out, an exasperated sigh leaving him.

"I didn't have a choice. She was likely listening in on my conversation over the phone with Rosie about this relationship arrangement of ours."

Lucifer smacked the man square across the face, it just felt deserved as some of those old feelings of frustration bubbled up inside of him and bursted.

"Next time a little threat might do the trick of keeping a mouth shut, sure as hell got me in here!"

Alastor took the hit, his cheek bruised as he continued his vibrant smiling, his lip twitching a touch, taking a sip of tea after the burning lessened. It was unexpected, and yet he wanted another hit.

"I should report you for abuse to Charlie for that. Would love to hear her response about that.~"

"To be fair you deserved that. Had it coming a loong fucking time." A twisted smile of aggression traced his lips as he drew close, Alastor mirroring his expression before happily smacking him across the face, his wide red eyes fiery and lively.

"Haha! Could say the same for you old man.~"

Lucifer growled, it didn't hurt much minus a thrilling sting that radiated to his core given his unholy power, he felt more excited than ever at the abuse. "You call me old but at least I can use a cellphone, what's the best you can manage, a phonograph? Typewriter?"

"Classic technology. Charming and quaint. Nothing to be so hostile towards. Besides I don't need to stoop to the levels of those little electric contraptions, can't give that flat screen freak the satisfaction of peeping in on my handsome mug."

"So you think you're handsome with that big ass busted bruise on your face?"

"I know so.~" The demon spoke with a loud hit of static, poking Lucifer's lip with a finger.

"You'd better eat before the rations get cold. We can resume beating each other afterward haha."

Lucifer took a sip of the tea, feeling his heart calming itself as he focused on the stale and bland tasting beverage, there was certainly chemistry with Alastor, and he found the act of being hit and hitting him something just as arousing as it was anger inducing, that passionate kind of anger he missed. Even when him and Lilith fought he recalled being utterly enthralled, and terrified, by her brazen strength and intensity, even Alastor didn't match it, but he didn't mind that he couldn't.

Alastor ate quietly, finding Lucifer's table manners to be exceedingly better than he expected, a contented sigh leaving him.

"One could grow accustomed to this. I've had an unexpected amount of fun with you today, fun I'd never assume to be having. You remind me of that foolish little television trying to gain my favor, at least all these years alive don't seem to have corrupted you quite as much as him."

"I guess I should take that as a compliment."

He took a look at the time, realizing it was already three by the time he had got any food for them, once Alastor finished, and he forced the hideous meal down his throat with some gulps that left his neck exposed and Alastor watching with a twitching grin as the food went down, he took their bowls and set them on the desk, sure they could be taken care of later.

"Now that we're close, I think we, should go for another round. That is if you're down for that."

Alastor blinked, covering himself once more, another round? He couldn't deny that the man unlocked his supposedly impenetrable sexuality, desire, but he was still not exactly fond of the carnal acts out of the safety of his mind. Since this was only the second time he imagined it would still hurt.

"I suppose. I'm still not used to it."

Hearing his hesitation, he thought for a moment before an idea popped into his blonde headed mind.

"Some music never ceases to relax you, I seen that true smile coming through those shit eating grins that are always broadly on display. I'll play something else, and then we can get down to business." Lucifer purred that "business" word in his most satanic of tones, once again throwing off his hat and coat, undoing his bow tie leaving Alastor scooting back. It wouldn't take much for him to be undressed at this point and that left the buck especially vulnerable.

It was true, the music did soothe him, and for once he was somewhat looking forward to what would happen. Possibly still as a humble doe...but potentially more than that, that was if the stitches permitted.

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