25. A room without a door

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As we made our way down the mountain, I repeatedly pressed Ezra for clarification on his statement about the beginning of another war. However, he offered only cryptic responses, insisting that I would soon understand.

Ezra strode a few paces ahead of me, retracing the path we had taken to climb the mountain.

Descending the mountain proved to be far less strenuous than the ascent, and with each step behind Ezra, I felt a newfound lightness in my body.

It was as though the oppressive weight that had burdened me in recent days had begun to lift.

"Can I ask you something?" I inquired as we descended from the mountain and made our way towards the house.

"You're free to ask whatever's on your mind, Neev," Ezra replied, casting a gentle glance over his shoulder. His voice carried warmth, like someone speaking to a child.

Though I hadn't brought up his age, it was clear that Ezra was much older than me.

Despite some lingering awkwardness between us before, this trip had made our interactions feel more relaxed.

"Do you know any way I could stop someone from reading my thoughts?" I asked.

Ezra looked at me with curiosity, prompting me to explain further.

I sighed. "Zev can hear what I'm thinking," I admitted, and Ezra's eyes widened in surprise. "And I have no idea how to stop him. Can you teach me?"

Ezra fell silent for a moment, thinking. "I'm sorry, I can't help you with that," he said. "But I'll ask Kyler. He knows more about werewolf mind linking than I do."

Frowning, I thought over his response until it hit me. "You're an elemental," I blurted out, suddenly realizing it.

As we walked together, I couldn't help noticing the hint of a smile on Ezra's lips. "So, you've figured it out," he said, sounding amused.

Meanwhile, I couldn't stop studying him, like he was some new species I'd discovered—because, in a way, he was.

"Genesis is an elemental, and you are too..." I muttered to myself, thinking about the connections. "What about the others? I've seen Kyler transform, so he's a werewolf... Is Noel also an elemental?"

Ezra looked at me, surprised. "You've met Noel?"

I nodded. "Just briefly. Why?"

"He doesn't usually hang around when others are here, so it's surprising that you've met him," Ezra said.

"Oh," I murmured. That explained his awkward behavior that day.

"And to answer your earlier question, Noel is a werewolf."

As we walked in silence, the new information sparked more questions in my mind, making it impossible to stay quiet.

"But I'm confused about a lot of things," I started. "You said Elementals lost their powers. Yet Genesis can still use her healing magic. How's that possible?" I asked.

"It seems you have a lot of questions, Neev," Ezra said.

I let out a heavy breath. "You have no idea. It feels like my mind's about to explode," I admitted, taking another step.

But suddenly, a rush of energy shot through me, almost making me stumble. Luckily, Ezra grabbed my elbow, stopping me from falling.

It was the same feeling I had when I first got here. I knew what it meant — we'd crossed the invisible barrier around the house.

Looking ahead, I saw the familiar three-story house, a building that had been invisible to me just moments ago.

"Why didn't I notice the barriers this morning? Shouldn't I have also felt something when we were leaving the house?" I asked, puzzled.

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