7. Even More Messier.

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(Improvised version)

Everything hurt.

The pain was a relentless wave, coursing through me from the inside out. I couldn't even pinpoint where it began or ended—it just consumed me.

Slowly, like a fog lifting, my senses began to sharpen, and I became aware that I was lying on some kind of mattress.

Through the haze of agony, I heard voices—angry, heated voices.

Two people were arguing, their words cutting through the pounding in my head. I wanted to tell them to stop, that their shouting was like nails driving into my skull, but my body refused to cooperate.

My fingers, my legs—everything felt numb, lifeless, like I was disconnected from myself.

"It's your fault! We should have dealt with him the same day he uttered those words," someone yelled. Ashley. I recognized her voice, sharp and filled with fury.

"Ashley, don't blame your mother," came another voice—Laura's, trying to stay calm.

"Why not? It is her fault. If we had taken action that day, this wouldn't have happened!" Ashley fired back; her tone venomous.

"Ashley, please, not here in the hospital," Galina interjected, her voice attempting to soothe the tension.

"Is this what you care about? Look at Neev; she's been unconscious for a whole damn week because your beast of a son claimed her!" Ashley's voice cracked, filled with raw emotion.

Their words were a jumble in my throbbing head, each one hitting like a blow, making it hard to grasp their meaning.

My head felt like it was splitting apart, and I wished I could slip back into the darkness where there was no sound, no pain—only silence.

"Let's go, don't create a scene here, Ashley," Laura said softly.

Their footsteps began to fade away, but panic gripped me. I tried to call out, to make some sound, but my lips wouldn't move, trapped under the weight of my own weakness.

"His venom is inside her body; she couldn't withstand this... what if—" Ashley's voice was cut off abruptly as the door closed behind them, leaving me in a suffocating silence.

The pain surged, crashing over me like a violent wave, each second more unbearable than the last. It felt like my insides were being torn apart, and I couldn't endure it any longer.

I could only think of one thing: the darkness. I prayed for it, pleaded for it to take me away, to pull me under and release me from this relentless agony.

Anything to escape the torment coursing through my veins.











Someone was holding my hand.

The touch felt grounding, like a tether to reality.

Summoning every ounce of strength, I managed to peel my eyes open, squinting against the sunlight pouring into the hospital room.

I turned my head slightly, trying to see who was by my side.

It was Ashley.

Her grip was firm, almost desperate, as she lay half-slumped over the edge of the bed, her lower body perched awkwardly on a nearby chair.

For Me,There Is Only You |18+|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon