18. Twisted Fate

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The sun filtered through the leaves above, casting dappled patterns of light and shadow on the forest floor. The air was thick with the scent of oak and damp earth, and my heart raced in rhythm with the pounding of my feet.

Branches scraped against my skin, leaving stinging trails behind, but I hardly noticed the pain. Fear had turned my thoughts into a jumble of raw instinct, driving me to push my body beyond its limits.

I had never been a runner, never been athletic, but survival was a powerful motivator.

The shouts of the men echoed through the trees, their harsh voices like distant thunder, growing louder with each passing second. My breath came in ragged gasps, burning my throat with each inhale.

From their voices, I concluded they were more than two in number.

I didn't dare look back; the mere thought of their faces twisted with anger and intent was enough to send shivers down my spine.

My feet felt heavy, and my legs burned with each stride. I stole a quick glance over my shoulder, catching sight of the dark silhouettes of the men behind me. Their eyes were fixated on me, akin to predators honing in on their prey.

I pushed myself forward, my heart racing as I spotted a fallen branch up ahead. Acting on instinct, I snatched it from the ground, gripping it tightly as if it were my lifeline. The rough wood in my hand gave a strange sense of assurance.

Suddenly, one of the men lunged at me, his fingers grazing my arm as I twisted away. I swung the branch with all the strength I could muster, and it connected with his side.

"You bitch." He growled and let out a pained grunt, though his grip on my arm only tightened, sending a jolt of agony coursing through me.

Gathering every ounce of strength, I thrust the end of the branch into his ribs, the force causing him to let go of me. I sucked in ragged breaths, staggering back, my heart hammering in my chest. The sound of blood roared in my ears as I took in the scene in front of me, gripping the makeshift weapon in my trembling hand.

As it took time for him to recover, I ran forward. "You are going to regret this, you fucking bitch." He howled from behind.

I didn't reach very far as the next man came charging at me, making me lose my footing and both of us fell on the forest floor. His hand snaked around my ankle, as he tried to drag me to himself and pin me down, I hurled a handful of dirt and leaves into his face, momentarily blinding him.

He stumbled, disoriented, and I took my chance and ran again.

The forest stretched endlessly before me, seeming to have no end. My chest burned from the sustained effort, and my legs were on the verge of giving out. Glancing back once more, I realized that there was no following behind.

Spotting a large tree in the distance, I rushed towards it and hid behind its trunk.

My breath came in ragged gasps, my legs aching, and my body covered in cuts and stinging welts. The branch I had used as a makeshift weapon was still clutched tightly in my hand as I scanned my surroundings for any signs of an approaching threat.

As the adrenaline slowly began to ebb from my bloodstream, the reality hit me: my body was in no condition to go much farther. It was sheer luck that I had managed to fend off two men.

Fear once again gripped me as I heard the crunch of leaves in the distance. My senses went into overdrive as I scanned my surroundings, trying to pinpoint the source of the sound. While I was still fixated on the shadows between the dense trees, a presence closed in behind me.

Before I could react or turn around, an unfamiliar hand clamped over my mouth, and a foreign body pressed against mine. My muffled screams reverberated against the restraining palm as I struggled to break free. However, my attempts were in vain as the person's grip tightened, rendering me immobilized.

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