Chapter Eighty Two: Epilogue

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Chapter Eighty Two: Epilogue - 4 Years Later

Gracie stared at the painting, wondering what she was missing.

The brown hues of the Quidditch pitch meshed well with the sage green color Sebastian had painted the Nursery. Anne was cooing away at the little daedalian keys flying over her crib. Should she add something flying around the Quidditch field?

The pillars were decorated in Slytherin colors. A few broomsticks, maybe? She could paint in the twins. Merlin knows they were both already excited to start flying. Sebastian bringing them to the tourneys wasn't helping either. Every weekend, the family was decked out in Slytherin colors, cheering.

Well the boys were cheering. Gracie held Anne in her arms while Sebastian fetched her every craving she had under the sun. With the boys, it was sweets. With Anne, it was sweets. With this one growing inside her? Also sweets.

But this was it.

This was the last bloody child he was getting.

Number four and if she had twins again, he was getting snipped.

He'd bursted out laughing when she broke the news to him too. Anne was barely six months old. She didn't even know she could get pregnant that quick-At least the boys were two before they'd started trying again.

As much as she complained, Gracie was also happy that their house was constantly full of laughter and smiles. The sun was warm against her back and she pushed away a stray red curl that fell in front of her face.

She realized after a few moments that there was a shadow on the wall. Gracie turned around to see her husband looking at her with a dazed expression on his face while he held the paints and brushes she'd asked him to get.

In four years, his features had become more mature. He was incredibly young to be the Headmaster at 24 years old, but so far he'd done a spectacular job. The ministry was happy with him and they often weren't. Especially when he petitioned for many of the Dark Arts books in the Restricted Section to become available, citing that no magic should be off limits. The allure of Dark magic was partially because of the forbidden aspect to it. He would be fighting that battle for a long time, but Sebastian was also inconceivably stubborn.

"Are you alright?" Gracie inquired, reaching for the supplies he'd retrieved for her. "You look as if you've seen a ghost."

"Do you remember when I told you that'd I'd dreamt of a nursery? When I knew we'd have a daughter, eventually?" He added the last part with a smirk, but closed the distance between them as he tilted her chin up, "This is the exact scene that I saw."

Gracie's eyebrows raised, "Do I remember?"

He rolled his eyes, leaning down to shut her up with a kiss when he almost knocked her over instead. His left arm wrapped around her securely while his other hand pressed flat against the wall behind her.

Suddenly, boyish snickering could be heard.

They both glanced down to see the most mischievous twins in the world, each one wrapped around one of Sebastian's legs. Almost four years old and they gave the both of them a run for their galleons.

"Boys." Sebastian growled, looking down at them with a deplorable stare. "You could have knocked me over and hurt mum."

Silas, on the left, grimaced apologetically. On the right, who was typically the ring leader, put on the puppy eyes. "Sorry dad."

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