Chapter Twenty Four: The Search Continues

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Gracie turned over, shooting him a glare. "Why don't you go take a cold shower. What time is it? The sun's well over the horizon. We overslept."

That caused him to look startled, "I slept that long?"

"The bags under your eyes aren't there anymore." She pointed out, yawning. "Now about that strawberry tanghulu..."

Sebastian smirked, "Craving something sweet, are you?"

"Always am." She remarked dryly, "Are you showering first or am I?"

His eyebrow cocked up, "What's the matter? In need of a cold shower too?"

Yes. "No."

He chuckled quietly, "I'm craving something sweet too." That surprised her. He didn't typically... Her throats trailed off as she watched him sit up. Sebastian brought his hand up to his face and slid his middle finger into his mouth. His gaze darkened as he winked, "Sweet."

Heat flooded her cheeks especially when her hair that was splayed across the pillow turned several shades of pink. Sebastian acknowledge it with a smirk before he sat up and started heading towards the bathroom. "The door will always be unlocked, sugar cube."

"Not interested." Gracie mumbled, but he didn't bother retorting.

It was unnecessary.

They both knew.

She was very interested.

Chapter Twenty Four: The Search Continues

"This isn't strawberry tanghulu."

"How observant of you."

"I want tanghulu."

"I'm a war-fighter, not a nutritionist." Sebastian said pointedly, shoving the breakfast jianbing into her hand. It was similar to a French crêpe, but it was topped with ham, chopped scallions and a bit of chili sauce. "Eat your breakfast and if you behave, maybe I'll give you something to suck on."

Gracie didn't even blink, becoming used to his suggestive quips. "No thanks, I prefer at least a mouthful."

Sebastian threw his head back, laughing. That caught her off guard. The way he didn't hesitate to show her a laugh instead of a smirk or some idiotic comment. She much preferred the latter since it didn't make her stomach feel like a doxy infestation.

Behaving because she was hungry, Gracie took the thin, savory crêpe and bit into it. It really was delicious, but her mind was still stuck on the fruit dessert. Shifting her attention to the sun overhead, it was well into the afternoon now. Not only had they slept in considerably late, but Sebastian took his time in the shower.

For no other reason than to use up all the hot water.

"Have you travelled much outside the country?" Sebastian inquired curiously, "My parents were professors. They discovered quite the ancient artefacts back in the day. I always thought I'd be a Hogwarts Professor or the like."

Gracie shook her head with a thoughtful expression on her face. "I don't think I really cared to. I didn't see the beauty in the world before now."

"'Before now'?"

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