Chapter Seventy One: The Last Creature is a What?

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"Already looking forward to round two?" Sebastian quipped, raising himself on his elbow as he stared down at her naked body. He enjoyed it for a moment or two until he decided that her comfort and warmth was far more important than his ogling.

Gracie sent him a sleepy smile as the blanket covered her shoulders, "I was serious about the trousers."

He snorted inwardly, "Demanding little thing. I knew it then outside the pub in Switzerland and I know it now. Is this what I have to look forward to the rest of my life?"

She sent him a pointed look, "If you ever want my arse, than yes."

Comically, he took his trousers off in record speed and turned her on her side. She felt Sebastian press against her bottom, "Say the word, Shortcake and I'll find all sorts of toys to start preparing you."

Gracie smile demurely, neither committing to it or not. Though he knew better. She enjoyed it when he took control and taught her things about her own body. "Go to sleep. We've got a long day and if you want me in the morning, you'll let me rest."

At that, Sebastian just chuckled and wrapped an arm around her waist. His hand brushed her stomach soothingly, drawing small circles. The heat of his body welcomed her and for the first time in a few days... Gracie was going to wake up without crying.

He nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck and in record time, he was asleep.

That's right.

Sebastian never slept well until he'd met her. He was probably exhausted. Turning around, she brushed her fingers against his cheek as he snored softly. Gracie only stopped comforting him in his dreamy state when her own eyelids grew too heavy.

For the first time since he'd left...

She felt like she was back home.

Chapter Seventy One: The Last Creature is a What?

Gracie was prepared to wake up to another promised orgasm. However, fate always did have different plans. It was the rustling that had woken her up. Sebastian was still passed out asleep behind her with his arm wrapped protectively around her. She could feel his steady breaths, indicating that he didn't plan on waking up anytime soon either.

Dawn hadn't yet peeked through the broken windows in the whaling station. The fire next to them was completely frozen. Not just out, but frozen...

The fish that had been half the size of Sebastian was reduced almost to bones. Gracie stared in wonder as a Frost Salamander no bigger than her hand was munching away at the top of the fish's head. It's body was a mixture of white ice and blue coloring, but its tail, feet, and head were a midnight ocean blue. A zig zag pattern weaved down its tail.

She didn't know much about Frost Salamanders other than that they had body temperatures below freezing. They were resistant to the Verdimillious and Red Sparks charm, but quite vulnerable to any fire spells for obvious reasons.

Where was Ominis with his inane fire spells now?

It was amusing at first to see such a small creature pick away at a fish ten times bigger than it, until she realized in the darkened room that the spot on its back was actually a white marble. Allured by the smell of the food, the last creature had sealed its fate.

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