Chapter Thirty Eight: Scourer

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"You're not allowed to come with me."

That got his attention. Anger flared in his eyes, "If you think that I'm letting you do this alone-"

"You made me come, not agree to marry you. I'm not your fucking responsibility, Sebastian. I'm going whether you agree or not." Gracie argued with a calm glance in his direction before fixating on the boat, "He can't be that dangerous-"

"You stupid girl." Sebastian snapped, losing control of his anger. "American. Narrowed in on you, the pretty girl whose eyes are like amber whiskey, but change with her bloody mood. He's doing everything in his power to lure you to his boat, thinking that he can take on not only you, but severely underestimating me as well. Add the pieces together."

Gracie frowned at his patronizing tone, but in some ways he was right. If she was missing something big, then she needed to get her head out of her arse. However, he didn't have to be suck a rude bastard about it. "Human trafficker? If he's luring women..."

"He gave us two tickets." Sebastian pointed out curtly.

"...He wanted you to come as well? He is expecting you."

Sebastian sent her an 'are you this daft' look, "The bloke is under the grievous misunderstanding that he's able to kill me."

"Then he is a human trafficker?"

"American. What's different about you than the rest of the people here?"

Gracie made a hmm noise, "I can tolerate your demonic nature?" He didn't crack a smile, and she looked at him sullenly, "I'm a witch? Magical? A metamorphmagus?"

Sebastian said nothing and waited. American. American. American. What did they have in America that may be different than other countries? And wanted to lure witches?

A word popped up in her mind and left her lips simultaneously, "Scourer."

Chapter Thirty Eight: Scourer

Disbelief clouded her eyes. Sebastian was happily mixing the rice and chicken curry together like the chaotic demon he was. Gracie couldn't do that. One scoop of chicken with one scoop of rice. Methodical. Still, his chaos aside, there's such a slim possibility that one annoying man could be a scourer. They were in Africa, why would one of them be out here?

Sebastian regarded her thoughtfully as he chewed. It annoyed her.


The sharp word left her and put the ghost of a smile on his face. He swallowed, pointing with his fork. "You don't believe me." His head cocked, "You were willing to bet ten phoenixes then and were wrong. What are you wagering now? Another kiss?"

She was smarter now to know that Sebastian only bet when he was 100% certain of something or determined to be right. That determination didn't know boundaries.

"Enlighten me." Gracie placed a bit of curry and then a bit of rice on a spoon, "Why do you think that?"

He watched her with faint amusement as she took a systematic approach to the curry. Instead of answering clearly, he took the tickets he'd grabbed from the satchel earlier and placed it in front of her. "Read the evidence, shortcake."

Gracie's eyes briefly met his with some skepticism, but she conceded by taking one of them. In red script, there was American Belle written across it along with the entry admission remark. However, there was also the name of the company who ran the boating business listed on the bottom.

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