Chapter Thirty Nine: Legilimency

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Sebastian tilted his head slightly, assessing her in a way that made her heart race and uncertainty become far scarier than any creature they'd faced so far.

"I still think you're pulling my leg somehow..." Sebastian mused with a hand running through his soft, wavy hair. "But I'll bite. Fine. I do want to make another request then if the last two questions were so easy."

"You want something truly priceless." Gracie said slowly with heavy sarcasm, "Sorry, but my virginity was gone years ago."

"The hearts always ripe for taking." It was a joke, but Gracie felt her body flood with horror from the actual fear that spiked. Was there truth in what he said? "I'll take those two answers and I want a moment in your brain."

Gracie blinked, "You want- Are you actually suggesting to use a Legilimency spell?"

He nodded, speaking without any reservations or hesitancy, "That's right. Give me a walkthrough of that brain and how it works." A dangerous tilt to his voice made it turn husky, "Did you really believe I'd become the most lethal general in history without playing mind games in a war zone?"

"I think you're a pretentious idiot."

His eyes flashed. "Then you don't have any worries considering I'm such an idiot."

She wanted to throw another knife at him. He was such a fucking idiot. There was absolutely no way in Hell that she was going to- "Agreed. You are an idiot... But so am I.. So I agree."

The demon in front of her smiled, but it sent a shiver of fear through her. It wasn't a nice smile and he definitely had something planned. However, she was giving him permission to do as he liked. It wasn't of his own accord. Sebastian asked for the Mandazi to go before they made their way to his room.

Eucalyptus and mint filled her nose, but what filled her stomach was a growing sense of dread. And something sensual as Sebastian laid the satchel and dessert down on the table. He beckoned her to stand in front of him as he sat back on the bed. Sebastian hooked a finger in the waistband of her trousers and pulled her forward so that she straddled his lap.

Catching her off guard was exactly what he wanted to do before she could put up a proper guard in her mind. His wand was already pressed against her templed as she stared up at him with alarm.


Chapter Thirty Nine: Legilimency

Gracie leaned against the wall of the orphanage, watching Sebastian as he gazed around the never ending corridor of doors. "You know what would be more productive than this? Finding out what Charles has planned for us. Or really anything else."

Sebastian walked past her reading the different signs on the doors out loud, "Arithmancy. Spells and Charms. Orphanage memories." He stopped in front of one looking offended, "Does this one really say ''useless shite Sebastian says.'"

Walking over to him, she noticed the door did in fact say that. "I remember creating that one. It was when you told me about Wilhelm Bubeck creating fountains all over Basel and the Wettsteinbrücke being constructed fifteen years ago." Gracie let out a quiet sigh, "That feels like forever ago."

He pinched the bridge of his nose, "You're going to give me grey hair and I'm only twenty."

That's right, she was older than him. "Dear me, now I feel like I've robbed the cradle."

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