Chapter Twenty One: Brag

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Giving her half the cost of what two rooms should be, Sebastian winked at the raven haired woman who immediately turned all shades of red. In her hand, he dropped a single room key.... That was all he had.

"Where's yours?" She asked perplexed.

Sebastian looked weary as if preparing for a fight, "The place is booked. I barely charmed my way into one room. You can have it, I'll stay out tonight."

Her eyebrows drew together, "That's not right. We can go somewhere else."

"Shortcake, I also want to stay up for a few hours and see if anyone knows anything about a mysterious beast in the night. The sooner we're able to find out, the sooner we can leave. If the creature makes a mess of things, it'll be publicized, and Rookwood's army of morons will be here in no time." He turned, speaking to her in a solemn voice. "Go up to the room. Lock the door. If someone tries to get you to open the door that isn't me... Well I have no doubt you'll send them through all four levels before I get there. We're on the top floor."

Top floor? Those were reserved for penthouse suits. All hotels had their best rooms on the top floor. It was likely wildly expensive which is why one of them weren't book to begin with and yet Sebastian was able to buy one for little to no money.

She huffed quietly to herself. The devil was persuasive. However, he wasn't the only one that could stay up for a few hours to gain intelligence.

Gracie took a close look at what the other women in the room were wearing. Up by the front, there were courtesans who appeared to have the ear of the most wealthy men as indicated by the custom tailored suits. That was exactly where Sebastian was heading, though he didn't need to buy sex. He headed over to those ladies because the men were rowdy. Rowdy men talk and those women heard everything. If Gracie had to guess, then those women would be the most likely to know what was going on in this city.

A smirk pulled at her lips as she eyed the scantily clad girls who wore just enough to cover the private bits and them some. If Sebastian was going after the women, then she'd go after the men.

And to do that, she needed a shower and to transfigure a new outfit.

One that would turn everyone's head in the hotel.

Chapter Twenty-One: Brag

If there was a square called 'Gracie's Comfort Zone,' then this outfit wouldn't be in the same plane. Not the same planet. Not the same Universe. But she was good at hiding her feelings and tonight, she was going to radiate confidence.

The women downstairs, referred to as the sing-song girls were wearing tight fabric that pushed their breasts up and a modest shawl over the top. Gracie didn't want to wear the heavy fabrics and not every man was solely focused on breasts. For example, she knew a demon that was very fond of her arse judging by the heat of his gaze sometimes.

The dress she made was made entirely of black lace. It was a square hem that fell off her shoulders and highlighted her collarbones. The cups of the dress were solid and hugged her breasts, allowing for a few scantily pieces of lace to peak over the tops. Her midsection was see-through lace and it only stopped above her navel.

There was a solid black material that covered her arse; emphasizing that favorable asset. From the tops of her thighs, the lace material was see-through again and fell to her ankles. On her right leg was a slit that if she wasn't careful, wouldn't be so modest, and they'd see the thin piece of fabric that could barely be classified as underwear. The sleeves on the dress were sheer lace and only came down 3/4 of the way.

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