Chapter Sixty Four: Ghost

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She's pissed as a newt and my mind is on fire with burning declarations. The stubborn witch tried to seduce me and her hair is still shades of pink and purple. It reminds me of heather on the Scottish hills. A beautiful flower I used to pick with Anne as a boy. We'd give them to mum on days she didn't feel well and stayed in bed. I think I have the old vase hidden away somewhere. I made fun of Ominis for talking in poetics, but now I find myself wanting to tell her everything I'm scared of.

Like losing her to the truth.

I find myself becoming more greedy about every smile that flits across her face. Those smiles, that laugh, the love in her eyes, her moans—they're all mine. I want to consume her and yet she has no idea the hold she has on me. I don't think I'll ever be able to keep this amount of love I have for her a secret. She'll know sooner rather than later how much I adore her.

I think I'll write a song—though I can't sing for the life of me—but putting words to paper will help hide how I feel a little longer. If this song is terrible, I'm never showing it to her. Mark my words. I'd sooner cast a quick avada on myself than suffer the embarrassment she'd surely hold over me for the rest of our lives together. Ha. I'm already sold on forever.

When I was a young boy, my mother said to me

'Find yourself a pretty lass, don't take her love for free'

From the field of Aberfeldy to the shores of Loch Maree

I know that she's the only one for me

Oh, my love said to me, 'Will you meet me by the sea?'

You can kiss me underneath the misty moon

She is stunning, she is pretty, she's as warm as amber whisky

And as bonny as a heather on the hill

Oh, my love

She is stunning, she is pretty, she's as warm as amber whisky

And as bonny as a heather on the hill

(Author's Note: All credits for the song go to Nathan Evans - Heather On the Hill)

Gracie covered her mouth to silence her gasps for air as the sobs wracked her body. Why did she want to learn about love? Why did she want to learn about something that felt like a knife repeatedly being stabbed into her body over and over again.

She needed to finish the sword and then run.

Run far away.

As if heartbreak was escapable.

Chapter Sixty Four: Ghost - Sebastian's POV

Sebastian watched as the last goblin fell to the ground. He wasn't dead. He was actually screaming in pain as the curse made boils pop all over his skin, causing more to appear on the affected areas, and then popping again. It was a very sick and inhuman curse that was solely meant for torture.

Actually the first goblin he'd cast it on, ran straight into a refugee camp. The sickness had spread from goblin to goblin of all ages and now this was the last one suffering. The last one out of... 90? 100? Ranrock was sure to hear about this and become mad with rage. Sebastian welcomed it.

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