Chapter 59: Questions

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After breakfast, Wei Ying turns to his daughter.

"Li XiWang, would you like to come with us when we go to check on our Gracious Emperor?"

"Yes, please," she answers straight away, and then looks at the Prince. "Can A-Wu come as well?"

"Yes," Wei Ying laughs, seeing his relief at being asked. "I'm sure you all want to know how he's doing."

Rumi climbs into Wei Ying's lap, just for a hug.

"And how is my precious baby doing, hm?" Wei Ying hugs him tightly and kisses the top of his head.

"Love Baba," Rumi says, as if his speaking is an ordinary event. "And A-Die."

Lan Zhan pulls them both into a strong hug, words lost to him in the face of so much innocent honesty.

"Um...I have a question. It's about my brother," the Prince says quietly.

Rumi squeezes in the middle of his fathers, taking both of their hands.

"Sure thing, Your Highness. Please speak freely," Wei Ying reassures him.

"What's going to happen to my brother?"

"We don't know," Wei Ying tells him honestly. "We can only help your father as much as he wants us to. But if your brother tried to kill your father, you know that's a bad thing, right?"

The Prince nods quietly, looking truly upset. "But I don't understand why he did it. He's the crown Prince. He would have inherited the throne anyway from our father. It's really bad what he did. And then he hit my Baba." Prince Wu starts crying.

Wei Ying quickly goes to his side and hugs him. This little boy might be a Prince but he's still a child, and he's already gone through so much. In the midst of everything that's been happening, they had overlooked what this child must have been dealing with internally, and he wants nothing more than to make him feel better.

"I would wish that all children grow up happy and with both of their parents. I would wish that all children get to stay innocent and playful for as long as possible, if I could make it so. But unfortunately, there will always be questions we cannot answer. The only person who can answer this one of yours is your brother, and I would bet that your father will not allow him anywhere near you, enough for you to ask him." Wei Ying strokes his back tenderly, feeling the little boy shaking in his arms.

"I do not know how I feel about him," the Prince confesses. "He was so different...I've never seen him be that way. He's always guided me well, made me think he was the best older brother. And now, now... I can't believe it. But I was there."

"Greed will change the hearts of saints," Wei Ying replies. "But we are not in charge of anyone else but ourselves. We can only control our own reactions to what others do. You, Prince Wu, are not responsible for your brother. Do you understand? Every single person on this earth is responsible for their own actions, and they must be prepared to face the consequences of them. The Universe is all about balance."

The Prince leans back and Wei Ying wipes his face with his sleeve.

"Do you feel better?" He asks him with kindness.

"Yes." the Prince takes a deep breath. "I feel stronger already. But Gege, I want to do better. I want to look after my father, too. He doesn't have anyone else."

"Those are good thoughts," Wei Ying encourages him. "Let's go and find out how he is, then."


Healer Fei is happy to see them. It is only him, Tang Pei, General Huang and the Emperor there, and just the General's presence makes the room feel a lot smaller.

"How is His Highness?" Wei Ying asks him, as Li XiWang takes the Prince's hand and leads him to the Emperor's bedside.

Already, the Emperor looks so much better. His skin has a healthier glow about it, pink on his cheeks and redder lips, not the grey sallowness from before. He's still gaunt but that's nothing a few hearty meals won't fix.

"I believe he may even be awake by tonight." Healer Fei actually smiles.

Wei Ying is so happy about the good news that he throws himself into the strict healer's arms for a hard hug.

"You did it!"

"Bai Hua did it!" Healer Fei corrects him, easing him off his body quickly. "Tell me, did she remember what she did?"

"No, I don't think so," Wei Ying taps his nose, absentmindedly. "But you saw her, right? I bet she would be very interested to know what she, as Bai Hua, did."

"Then I will inform my new apprentice at the first available opportunity." Healer Fei says happily.

He's too happy, Wei Ying thinks suspiciously, while Lan Zhan smirks, knowing what he's thinking.

"It's unnerving, seeing you this pleased," he tells Healer Fei just as the doctor is leaving.

"Well, we can't always have patients as good as him," Healer Fei says, raising a brow. "It's been my misfortune to have those unwilling to be treated at all, let alone actually listen to good advice," he adds pointedly, staring at Wei Ying in particular.

Wei Ying knows a jibe when he hears one, and he blushes.

"Wei Ying is better at looking after himself now," Lan Zhan says, going immediately to his side and wrapping an arm around his waist. His gaze is a dare to Healer Fei, to continue with this line of conversation.

Healer Fei simply rolls his eyes and leaves.

They turn around and find Tang Pei bowing to them both, tears in his eyes.

"Today is the first day I am feeling true hope, and I have you both to thank for this. Our Gracious Emperor is looking well, after all this time, and you and your wonderful daughter are responsible for it."

Wei Ying quickly pulls him out of the bow.

"I'm glad he's doing well," he says, as they all gather around his Highness.

"Healer Fei says he will make a full recovery soon, and possibly be awake by tonight." Tang Pei says confidently, and it certainly looks that way.

"Then, may I ask you to inform us when he's up for a meeting? I would not want to disturb his recuperation, but honestly speaking, you know the chaos that is happening in Chang'An right now. I fear we may lose the advantage if we let our guard down." Wei Ying urges him.

"You are right. I will wait to see how his Highness is feeling before I contact you."
Tang Pei bows again.

"Alright kids, wanna have some fun?" Wei Ying tells them.

The joy on their faces is enough and Wei Ying calls out, "Hui Gai?"

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