Chapter 16: Introductions

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Lan Zhan pulls Wei Ying forward to stand in front of him, but this is a useless attempt to divert the attention of the famously tactless and shameless trader, otherwise known as Porta Daven. Like this, Wei Ying is still a head shorter than him, and the only thing accomplished by this action is to gain more of their attention, not less.

Wei Ying bows, remembering how much they had helped Lan Zhan and himself when they were stuck in the Nether World. Lan Zhan follows, only because Porta Daven is throwing lecherous prolonged glances his way and he's appalled, disgusted and annoyed, all at the same time.

“You know each other?” The old lady says, leaning away from Huaisang and searching his face for the truth after looking around.

Huaisang quickly gives a child-friendly version of the events that led up to their acquaintance, and then he segues into making the introductions between everyone.

“Ji-Xiong, Wei-Xiong, this is my beloved Waipo, Hao Bai, and this is her son, my wonderful Jiujiu, Cheng Fan. We can meet the rest of my family later.” He introduces Wei Ying and Lan Zhan to his grandmother and uncle.

These bows feel a whole lot more sincere when Lan Zhan and Wei Ying make their greetings.

Huaisang's grandmother may look old with her soft, paper-like skin but there's a certain sharpness in her hazel eyes when she greets them back. Huaisang's uncle is about ten years older than Lan Zhan and Huaisang, and how old Wei Ying would have been in his original body. He looks serious but there's a twinkle in his eyes that suggests otherwise.

Neither look similar to Huaisang at all, but the familial resemblance is there in the cut of his uncle's jaw and the shape of his grandmother’s nose. Passed down traits that, by themselves, don't mean anything much, but when viewed all together like this, it's easy to see that they are a family.

“It's amazing to meet you again,” Wei Ying finally turns to Porta Daven.

It's really code for: what are you doing here? Wei Ying doesn’t want to push his luck though, so he keeps his tone light and his words easily changeable so that no one takes offence.

“Well, being a trader, I have to be flexible. My work takes me to all sorts of places, and the eye candy?” They bring their fingers together to touch their lips and make a kissing sound. “Incomparable!” The Beard guffaws boisterously, pointedly looking at them.

“The question is, why are you here?” They ask, winking at Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan focuses on a spot on the blank wall and point-blank refuses to look away until it's safe again. There will be no accidental encouragement from his end here.

“The matter is rather urgent,” Hao Bai says, shuffling forward to stand in between Porta Daven and Wei Ying. .

She presses a few gold brocade purses into Porta Daven's hands, a reminder of why they are here.

“You promised delivery by the next moon, which is in three days' time.” Hao Bai is a determined little thing, and Porta Daven looks fondly back at her.

“A promise is a promise. Besides, I'll bet you want to be cuddling with your nephew now that he's finally here. What a small world,” she carries on obliviously, unaware that certain people want her to leave. “If I'd a-known that he was your kid, I'd have introduced myself back then. I've no time for catching up now, but for sure, when I get back.” Porta Daven bends at her waist and winks at Lan Zhan, who broke his own rule most regrettably, and then vanishes in a split second.

“You must be tired and hungry,” Hao Bai says to them now, so matter-of-factly that Wei Ying has to convince himself that Porta Daven really was here just a few minutes ago. “How about we send for dinner, then we can talk?”

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