Chapter 17: Transparency

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Hunger makes everyone eat quickly and once the servants have removed the dirty dishes and served hot, sweet tea, Huaisang's grandmother nods at him.

"Please ask your friends to make this room secure. Then we can talk freely."

Huaisang just grins at Wei Ying, who has now become an expert at activating the talismans. There is awe on all the faces when he nonchalantly flings five talismans into the air, one on all four walls and one attaches itself to the ceiling.

"That's an amazing talent," Hao Bai tells him sincerely.

"Oh, well, I use it a lot." Then Wei Ying remembers why and blushes hard, not daring to look at Lan Zhan, who isn't helping matters by the colour of his ears, and anyway, 'Sidekick Yiling Laozu' is very pissed at his husband for laughing. But that's a conversation for later and in private.

"Huaisang tells me you possess a coin belonging to our Gracious Emperor?" Hao Bai immediately gets to the point. "May I see it, please?"

"Of course." Wei Ying pulls it out and hands it to her.

Hao Bai pulls out a loupe and examines it, with Huaisang edging closer to her. She spends a good ten minutes checking the craftsmanship and authenticity of the artefact, before placing it in the centre of the table.

"It's real, as my grandson told you. Can you please tell me where and how it came to be in your possession? Indulge an old lady with her eccentricity."

She looks far from being unsound of mind, in fact, her sharp eyes are calculating and serious.

"Only if you explain why we have to give it back to the Emperor in person, and why Porta Daven was here, if it concerns this matter," Wei Ying replies back, studying her just as sharply back.

"Deal." Hao Bai suddenly looks very tired.

"It's alright, Waipo, they're good people. They might be able to help." Huaisang says gently, glancing back at them.

"I'm going to assume you know more than you're letting on," Wei Ying says, letting his eyes flash red for a second. "And I want you to know, our friendship is balancing on a wire right now. We've helped each other out countless times, but I can tell you, only one of us has consistently been transparent." Wei Ying feels like Hao Bai looks; exhausted and having reached his limit of patience where it concerns Huaisang. "This is your last chance, Huaisang."

"You used to call me A-Sang."

"I did. But you were different, then."

"I'm still your friend. Doesn't loyalty count for anything?"

"Boys." Hao Bai says firmly, glancing between them. "I don't know what's going on with both of you, but we have more pressing business to take care of."

"You're right, Waipo. I'm sorry." Huaisang turns to Wei Ying and bows. "I'm sorry to you as well. I know you think I'm hiding things from you all the time, but no one knows how necessary it's been except me. However, I will change. If it has anything to do with you and yours, then I will talk to you first if it's possible."

Wei Ying bows to him, too.

There isn't much he can say to that. Huaisang looks sincere, but his promises are riddled with loopholes that he can neatly sidestep. And yet for all that, Wei Ying knows this is the best he's going to get.

"Alright. Let's move on."

Huaisang looks far too relieved.

Hao Bai points at the coin. "This is something I've never seen before, but the Emperor's Seal is real. That, I've seen on numerous occasions from missives to gifts that he's sent over in the past. They stopped arriving when my husband passed away."

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