Chapter 43: Solution

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This is a serious point.

"We can't leave them here to be found by the First Prince's henchmen. They're innocent," Hao Bai says emphatically. "Some of them are second and third generation staff working for us. I am responsible for them, no matter what!"

"Loyalty is one thing, but at what cost?" Wei Ying asks her, thinking fast. "If you won't let them go back to their families, and I agree, that's a terrible idea, and we can't take them with us to Cloud Recesses for obvious reasons and compromising the Emperor's safety, plus I am not willing to endanger any one of my family members for some silly politics - that includes anyone of the Lan Clan. So we are at an impasse."

"A moment." Lan Zhan holds his hand up towards their hosts. He doesn't wait a second more before grabbing Wei Ying and teleporting them out of there.

They're suddenly back in the Jingshi, and Wei Ying doesn't even have time to blink before Lan Zhan's mouth is on him, shoving him up against the wall in a hot display of his strength.

This kiss is fiery, blasting away all and any protests that die in a blaze of desire so rampant, so furious and so unexpected. Wei Ying is melting against him, just a sack of liquid bones held up only by the hardness at his back and the strong, muscular body in front.

Thoughts have ceased to exist anymore, not when there's this burning urgency in both of them to have each other. But the need to fill his lungs has Wei Ying leaning back, content to let Lan Zhan continue mouthing at his jaw and kissing his way down.

"Wha...what was that?" Wei Ying is panting heavily, still tingling from the onslaught of Lan Zhan's unquenchable passion.

"Had to," kiss, kiss, "appreciate Wei Ying," Lan Zhan barely pauses in demonstrating how he's feeling.

"Ha," Wei Ying shouts out at the biting on his collarbone, before a hot tongue laves at it, warming him from the inside. "Couldn't help yourself, huh?" He mutters in between trying to catch his breath.

"Mn. Wei Ying is far too tempting," Lan Zhan says, distracting him with his mouth even as his hands are already untying Wei Ying's waist sash.

"Have we even got the...ah...the time for this?" Wei Ying hates his sudden high pitch, but no other sound would come out. It was this or nothing.

"There is ALWAYS time," Lan Zhan replies firmly, picking up his naked form and throwing Wei Ying onto their bed.

He follows straight after, not wishing to waste a single second not kissing any part of Wei Ying's body. His mouth travels straight down a long and lithe body, and then neither has the capacity for thoughts.


A good twenty minutes later after a quick clean up, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan reappear in the presence of the Cheng family, who are twiddling their thumbs and waiting for them.

Lan Zhan is not embarrassed in the slightest, deeming it a noble pursuit of appreciating Wei Ying Time, but Wei Ying is aflame with his shyness.

"Where did you go?" Hao Bai demands, looking between them with a shrewd gaze. "You said we have a time limit, and-"

"And we totally have a solution. My grandmother can take them!" Admittedly, Wei Ying just thought of it, and it was a perfect plan!

"You're telling me you spent the last however long it was, coming up with a plan?" She eyes them suspiciously.

Lan Zhan does NOT look at her. There's a point in the wall just behind her and he focuses on only that.

"Yeah, you could say that..." Wei Ying trails off, distracted.

Lan Zhan had been a beast in bed, and his body was still paying for it, but it was the release they both needed.

"So while we go and talk to her, can you please go and get ready? And gather your staff, we'll take two trips, them first and then all of you." Wei Ying finishes. "Just don't tell them anything about where we're taking them, okay?"

Hao Bai agrees.

This time, it's Wei Ying who teleports them to his grandmother's mountain. Luckily, she's just coming out of her cave as they're walking towards it.

Wei Ying runs into her arms, and she hugs him tighter for it.

"It's been too long, child." She scolds both of them, pulling Lan Zhan into the hug as well. "I thought you were the responsible one out of the two of you!" She pokes Lan Zhan's cheek and laughs.

"Grandmother is correct. This one is at fault," Lan Zhan bows at the first available opportunity, and it makes the usually thick-faced Baoshan Sanren blush as she helps him upright himself quickly.

"No, no, I'm just teasing. Come on, walk with me," she invites them, leading the way to the communal house.

"You're going to think we only come and visit you when we want something," Wei Ying begins saying, and then he chuckles when she raises a brow in his direction.

"I should count myself lucky that my grandson even thinks about this old lady," she replies with mock sadness. "It was different in my day. Children had to be far more doting on the older members of their family, you know. At least tell me how my granddaughter is? I miss her so much!"

Wei Ying nudges Lan Zhan, whose brow is furrowed as if he's mentally taking notes whilst simultaneously feeling penitent for being guilty of her accusations.

"Still teasing," he mouths silently, taking his hand.

The same hand that was only a few long minutes ago touching him where-

A choked gasp and Baoshan Sanren tripping over nothing has him bouncing to her side where she glares at him.

"Careful, Gramps, I might think you can read minds," he says playfully, in a joking manner, and then he sees her face.

He flushes harder than a ripe apple, as the realisation dawns in him, that his grandmother can read their minds. Probably has been able to ever since they met...

"We're NOT going to talk about it," she insists firmly before striding away with a hot face.

"Oh my God, Lan Zhan! All this time!" Wei Ying tells him about his new discovery, burying his face in his hands.

"I believe Grandmother has the best ideas," is all Lan Zhan says, grabbing his wrist and pulling Wei Ying to go after her.


"So you want me to babysit thirty untrustworthy government spies? For how long?" Baoshan Sanren is not amused.

"Dunno?" Wei Ying is still reeling from his revelation. "So, what about when we first came here?" He narrows his eyes at her, pointing his finger. "Did you force Lan Zhan to confess to me?" He's thinking about when Sciper* (a spider and scorpion beast (not affectionately!)) attacked him, piercing his back with a deadly barb, and coming here was the only option.

Baoshan Sanren had cured him and then provided the means for both himself and Lan Zhan to become immortal.

"How can I trust them, if you can't?" Baoshan Sanren replies, obviously ignoring his question.

"Use your mind-reading skills," Wei Ying mutters snarkily, under his breath.

"They must not find out about Cloud Recesses. Xiongzhang is putting the mountain under lock down. It's too far away to be noticed by the First Crown Prince." Lan Zhan tells her.

"It's only a matter of time before they put two and two together," she warns. "If the Emperor disappears while he's supposed to be semi-paralysed, and the entire Cheng household vanishes too, coinciding with your arrival, they're going to know. And what is your plan afterwards?"

"Plan? What plan?" Wei Ying emerges from his sulking triumphantly. "You know me, Gramps! So far, we're winging it!"

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