Chapter 48: Uncertainty

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Back in the Emperor's bedroom, Wei Ying looks around at the carefully packed bundles of His Highness' things.

"Are you sure you have everything you need?" He looks at both the Emperor and Tang Pei for confirmation.

Prince Wu goes to sit by his father, and that's when both the Emperor and Tang Pei gasp.

"What is it?" Wei Ying asks them, taken aback by their reactions.

"That book, it's the one Cheng Maoji asked me to deliver to His Highness. Prince Wu, why do you have it?"

Before the young boy can answer, the frail Emperor tugs weakly on his sleeve and points in Wei Ying's direction. He makes a garbled noise and Tang Pei bows, still distressed at his state and by everything going on.

Tang Pei takes the poetry book and gives it to Wei Ying.

"He wants you to have this, though I'm not sure why. And to answer your earlier question, yes, I have asked His Highness about everything he wishes to take with him to your Cloud Recesses. That is everything."

"Very well. I hope you understand why I'm not going to look at it now, besides, I hope the Emperor can shed some light as to why, later on. But we've spent enough time here; it's best if we make haste and leave. Tang Pei, is there anything you wish to bring with you?"

Tang Pei looks shocked but pleased.

"So you want me to accompany His Highness?"

"Yes, I think that's for the best. You've proven your loyalty to His Highnesses, and once the disappearance of them is discovered, the first person to be suspected is you. So unless you want to be left to the mercy of the First Crown Prince...?" Wei Ying grins at him, not imagining for one second that he would want that.

He's right.

Tang Pei visibly shudders.

"I was with His Highness when the First Prince was born." He blinked back tears. "There was such joy, so much celebration that an heir was born to our Great Emperor. I watched him grow up, looked after him when his father had to sit in meetings. Whenever he hurt himself, he always came to me first. I do not understand him anymore. What could have changed?"

"I suspect His Highness' other advisors have something to do with that," Wei Ying murmurs, "but we should take advantage of our situation and leave. Hui Gai, myself and my husband can come back at any time for any reason afterwards. Are we agreed?"

Everyone nods.

"What's Cloud Recesses like?" Prince Wu asks Wei Ying.

"Showing is better than telling," Wei Ying replies gently, seeing Hui Gai's familiar magic carpet under his feet. "When did you do that?" He asks in wonder. Hui Gai is simply amazing.

Hui Gai just grins with all of his pointy teeth as if he knows what Wei Ying is thinking, making Prince Wu clutch Wei Ying's hand tighter. Then he winks, and they're in Cloud Recesses.


Hui Gai has thoughtfully teleported the Emperor's bed as well, and everyone has gathered in the house that XiChen has prepared for the Emperor, quite a distance and out of the way in a rural part of Cloud Recesses.

Healer Fei immediately leaves to fetch more medicine.

XiChen must have set an alerting talisman on the place, because he comes to visit not less than five minutes after they arrive. He's brought a young visitor with him, too.

"Fathers!" Li XiWang beams and runs into Wei Ying's arms, hugging him tightly. "It feels like forever since I saw you!" She pouts, and to Lan Zhan, that expression is all so much like Wei Ying's that he's hugging her tightly, too.

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