Chapter 10: Warnings

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It is apparent that Uncle Qiren does not trust Huaisang at all.

Lan Zhan nods unconsciously when Wei Ying squeezes his hand. A silent request to take over their explanation of what they think.

"What do you think about the coin?" Wei Ying asks.

They all look at it, resting on the table between their cups. It looks so innocent, but they know it isn't just a harmless hunk of metal.

"That it is the arrival of trouble at our doorstep." Uncle Qiren frowns at it and takes it into his hands again. "Huaisang knows something, something more which he is not sharing. That alone would make me hesitate to give you my blessings on this journey." He sighs again, deep and heavily.

"He always knows more than he lets on." Wei Ying pours more tea for all three of them when Uncle Qiren tries to take another sip out of his empty cup.

"If he can't be trusted..." Uncle Qiren says half-heartedly.

"I used to know him. Back then, he loved his fans, he liked nice clothes and he enjoyed po- I mean, reading." Wei Ying quickly corrects himself in time. "But a lot happened to him in between the time I ah, wasn't around." Wei Ying lets his thumb caress over Lan Zhan's knuckles.

Today has been hard for him, and Lan Zhan surely doesn't need to have reminders of the past. At least, not of those ones when Wei Ying had died with no chance of coming back as himself.

"Isn't it odd, though? How much our lives are inexplicably intertwined together? If you think about everything that happened, not just back then but a continuous thread lasting right up until now, Huaisang has had a hand in it, either covertly behind the scenes or in plain sight."

Wei Ying thinks about the hardships that Huaisang also had to go through. His parents had died when he was younger as well, the same type of orphaned growing up that he and Lan Zhan had to have, except for his older brother, Nie MingJue.

But how awful to have to watch Nie MingJue's slow decline into qi deviation? To stand by knowing that it was going to happen anyway because of the way the Nie Sect cultivated, using sabres that eventually became so steeped in resentment energy that it took the life of every leader including Nie MingJue, it would have been so hard.

There was no doubt in Wei Ying's mind that the Nie brothers loved each other very much, despite having different mothers. You wouldn't even have guessed that from the way they cared about each other because it had never mattered to them.

And then to find out that Nie MingJue's death was actually orchestrated? Planned? Exacerbated?

How could Wei Ying blame Huaisang for wanting revenge on the parasitical Meng Yao?

And how could he when Wei Ying had done the same when he had come face to face with Wen Chao?

He's brought out of his thoughts by Uncle Qiren.

"But why is he insisting that you go to the Emperor himself? And it's suspicious how little his explanation of his family makes sense. It is a well-known fact that the Emperor is a just man. However, the situation is not so simple. His influence so far to the East of his capital is surely watered down, but that does not mean he is unaware of us and our work. Whether or not we are in his favour is something that might not come to light until it is too late. Even to counsel caution may cause disaster." Uncle Qiren shakes his head. "I do not like this."

"Xiongzhang agrees with Nie-Zhongzu, now that it has come to light, we will look like the guilty party if we do not show our hand." Lan Zhan says quietly.

"And risk having them be cut off?" Uncle Qiren snaps.

"What do you advise, then?" Wei Ying murmurs. "So far, we're just going round and round in circles. Inaction can lead to disaster far quicker than making a wrong choice."

"I am worried about you." Uncle Qiren stands up to pace.

"Think of it like a night hunt." Wei Ying suggests.

This time, it's Lan Zhan who squeezes his hand, a warning not to say anything more for now. Sometimes, their Uncle just needed to vent, maybe hand out some punishments and then he'd be okay. It was kind of the rule of thumb he and XiChen lived by when it came to their Uncle, rather like watching a storm blow itself out naturally, from the safety of being inside one's home.

Though that's not to say Uncle hasn't progressed any during these years; he must have, because he largely ignores Wei Ying's response.

"If you are going to go, then make sure to have a plan. Court life is constantly living on a knife's edge, literally and figuratively. Too many people wanting to curry favour with the Emperor, and too few morals stopping them. I would rest easier if you took your friend," Uncle Qiren waves a hand absentmindedly at Wei Ying.

"Well, they say great minds think alike," Wei Ying smiles. "I'm not sure we'll need him, but Hui Gai is always welcome. I'll be sure to ask him, Uncle."

"Hm. Good. Also, if it looks as if your safety might be compromised, do not hesitate to vanish."

Wei Ying stifles a snort, biting his lip to stop himself from laughing out loud.

"Mn." Lan Zhan quickly answers, throwing Wei Ying a warning look to behave in front of Uncle Qiren.

"When do you think you will go?"

"Tomorrow, Uncle."

Uncle Qiren stands over them now, extending his hand over their heads. He pats them both, the stern look vanishing for a moment.

"Be safe. Come back quickly."

"Yes, Uncle." They both bow with respect.

And that was the end of that meeting.

It's cooler outside now, as they make their way back to the Jingshi. Wei Ying shivers and Lan Zhan immediately wraps his arm around his shoulders, bringing him to his side. He sends a butterfly to Li XiWang and Rumi requesting them to return, and another message to the kitchens to send four servings of dinner.

"I know we slept, so how come I'm so tired?" Wei Ying yawns.

"Thinking uses up energy as much as physical activities," Lan Zhan replies, rubbing his arm, trying to warm Wei Ying that way, too.

Inside the Jingshi, Lan Zhan lights the brazier, and they settle at the little table. Lan Zhan heats the water for tea, bringing a blanket for Wei Ying to huddle inside while they wait.

"Okay, let's get this show on the road," Wei Ying says, rubbing his hands for friction. "Hui Gai?" He yells.

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