Chapter 9: Discussions

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Huaisang and XiChen walk on ahead as Lan Zhan and Wei Ying follow behind them. They pause at the moon tree, and Wei Ying lets his fingers trace the textured skin of her bark.

Almost as if the tree was sleeping and is jerked awake, she shivers for a moment or two and then a branch whispers down to caress his face. A curved leaf acts like a finger and traces the roundness of his cheek before giving him two white flowers, absolutely out of season.

"Thank you!" Wei Ying breathes out, always in awe of this natural wonder.

She is so loving towards him and his family that it feels like a blessing from an elder every time they pass by under her great boughs. The moon tree has thrived in this previously barren spot, continuously benevolent towards all the souls that pass by her way and offering comfort, solace, relief from the hardships of the world.

"Look, Lan Zhan, my love!" His pure, innocent delight at her gifts brings a smile to the one that rarely does.

Lan Zhan takes one of the blooms and tucks it into his hair by the side of his ear, happy because Wei Ying is happy, and his joy has always been a contagious thing. Another gift inadvertently given because in that, Wei Ying shares a kinship with this tree. It is yet another revelation about his dear beloved husband, and reminds Lan Zhan of the old saying, 'like recognises like'.

Wei Ying is so selfless, so determined to help whoever he meets should they need his assistance, and all with the brightest smile on his face and an eagerness in his step. There is nothing this man will not sacrifice for another, and it brings tears to Lan Zhan's eyes. This world is so harsh, so unforgiving, so cruel, like a soggy marsh dragging every soul down into its wintery depths, and yet it gave birth to a diamond among men, a true light in the darkness of ignorance.

In its selfishness, the way it showers everyone with a lack of compassion and kindness, it feels ironic that someone like Wei Ying exists here, a truly good person in every aspect of that word.

"My love!"

Strong arms come around Lan Zhan's body, holding him close even as he tries to bring about some kind of calm in his raging emotions. Lan Zhan buries his face in Wei Ying's neck, taking in long breaths of his scent and letting the lotus fragrance soothe his frayed feelings.

Wei Ying has no idea why the sight of the pure white delicate flowers made Lan Zhan cry like that, his beautiful golden eyes overflowing with moisture, but these were tears from his soul. He can feel Lan Zhan's fists clenching his robes at Wei Ying's back, holding on with all of himself.

There are times when he's wanted to burrow inside Lan Zhan, delve out a place under his ribs and hide away from the rest of the world there, a safe place full of love and peace. And there have been times when he has seen that same wish, that same desire deep within golden flecks swirling with the strength of those feelings reflected back at him.

So while Wei Ying doesn't understand why it's happening now, he recognises it for what it is.

He looks up at a motion, XiChen debating whether or not to come towards them, and Wei Ying solves that dilemma by shaking his head at him.

There's no need to involve anyone else, because Lan Zhan will tell him when he's good and ready.

XiChen nods and takes hold of a reluctant Huaisang, pulling him away from what has clearly piqued his curiosity. Wei Ying watches them go inside and then turns his full attention to his beautiful husband.

"Lan Zhan..." it's a whisper.

His fingers stroke the heavy silky hair, from the back of his head down to his back, each stroke methodically long and calming, like the taming of a wild stallion. Soon, the trembling subsides, and Lan Zhan relaxes his grip but doesn't let him go.

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