Chapter 14: Chang'An

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The laws of teleporting are quite clear and commonsensical. The person using this gift to go from one place to another has to have some idea of what it looks like, because otherwise, there's no guarantee that they would arrive where they meant to go.

For this, they have to thank the years of studying Lan Zhan has spent in the library, familiarising himself with the layouts and descriptions of major cities, most prominently their capital city, *Chang'An. (*Perpetual Peace).

Hui Gai and Zago are nearby but both they and Lan Zhan and Wei Ying agreed that it would be better if they kept their presence hidden for now, even from Huaisang until they knew more about his agenda.

Hui Gai and Zago had left with Rumi to take him on a visit with Hui Gai's family, so as far as Huaisang was concerned, they were still there.

That's how the three travellers find themselves suddenly appearing in a bustling main street, and Huaisang pulls them into a quiet alley quickly so that their arrival doesn't attract unwanted attention.

"I really must learn to do that," he says, fanning himself. His eyes dart around as if he's trying to get his bearings, but on the whole, Wei Ying has never seen the Headshaker look so off-kilter.

He isn't sure if Huaisang is feeling like that because of how they got here: teleporting isn't kind on the stomach if you're not used to it, or if he's nervous about something else.

"Are we really in Chang'An, then?" Wei Ying peeks around Lan Zhan's tall body, appreciating his broad shoulders while he's at it. Bunched with muscles on top of muscles, Wei Ying feels giddy with how much he's marvelling at them; how lucky he is that he can cling to them whenever he likes, and from how often he does, they're practically his.

"Mn. Chang'An is famous for its internal structural layout. Our Gracious Emperor has collaborated with the best architects in the country before tearing down the old, ancient buildings of before and replacing them with unique, highly improved homes and shops, all with a careful study of Feng Shui. There was a whole class dedicated to it," Lan Zhan replies, ears reddening as Wei Ying's admiration reaches new heights.

"He's right," Huaisang approves, standing a bit taller.

He's always been on the lean side of his build, slightly shorter than Wei Ying is now, and while he's not exactly feminine in either his body shape or mannerisms, Huaisang is definitely of a softer, gentler personality for all of his acting. But maybe that is as good a mask as any, hiding his brilliant, calculating mind.

And that pulls Wei Ying up short.

"Huaisang...there was a time I used to call you A-Sang. We were friends once and I would like to think or hope that we still are." Wei Ying takes a deep breath. "I know I said before, to you, that I never asked for anyone to bring me back, and certainly-" he swallows with great difficulty then, "certainly not by sacrificing their soul. But I never told you that there's another side of that circumstance. I am also very grateful for my life as it is now, and I realise that I've never thanked you about it." Wei Ying lets go of Lan Zhan's hand and stands up straighter, before pulling himself down into the deepest bow he can manage, staying there until other hands pull him up.

"Ah...Wei-Xiong..." the crack in his voice gives Huaisang away.

They're both blinking back tears.

"Sorry...I didn't mean to make this," Wei Ying gestures between them both, "weird."

"You didn't." Huaisang assures him, though the fanning of himself stops.

His eyes have always been dark but Wei Ying only now sees a hazel glimmer, and only because Huaisang is wearing a fennel green robe today, accentuated with velvet collars and a velvet waistband. Today, their colour betrays his thoughts for just a second, a flash of pain, as he watches Wei Ying back.

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