Chapter 8: Confiding

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Three serious faces are staring at Huaisang.

"What do you mean, this is the Emperor's Seal? Our Emperor? The real one?" Wei Ying demands.

Huaisang tries very hard not to roll his eyes.

"I wouldn't lie about something like this."

"I think you better stop playing games with us now," XiChen tells him firmly.

"I am not playing games, as you put it." Huaisang insists.

"Then how do you know this is what you claim it to be?" Lan Zhan questions him.

Huaisang is strangely relieved that Lan Zhan is asking him. He seems to be the least emotional about this, and where this conversation is headed, that mindset will come in useful.

"Before I say anything else, please ward the premises. It is of a sensitive nature and we cannot risk exposure."

"Very well. A-Xian, please?" XiChen gestures towards the open doors of the Great Hall.

"Of course," Wei Ying murmurs, taking care of it.

Lan Zhan loves watching him work when always, his every action is precise and calculated. Not a single second is wasted. In just a moment, the doors slam shut and an aura of mufflement surrounds them. The Gusu silencing spell is a well recognised action, but this is their speciality, moreso after Wei Ying married into their Sect and made new improvements. Not a soul will hear any noise from within now, let alone a whole secret conversation.

"Thank you." Huaisang straightens his posture and begins. "My maternal family, the Cheng Clan reside in the Royal Capital of our country. My grandfather was a regular visitor to the Royal Courts, and the few times I went back to visit them when he was still alive, he liked to show me around his library.

"One time, we were walking in the gardens and appreciating the beauty of the summer blooms when one such missive arrived from the Emperor's Court. I only saw it for a few seconds, a seal marking the wax on a scroll of some importance, and it seemed to be urgent, because he left me by myself there." Huaisang taps his closed fan against his own cheek gently. "But it exactly matches the Seal on the front of your coin."

"Big mistake," Wei Ying mutters under his breath, and no one disagrees.

"That explains the seal, but what about the inscriptions on the inside?" XiChen says to him.

"I don't know what those say, or what this could be, as an artifact. But there must be a reason why the edges are so uneven and the shape of it, too. Like a coin that's been sliced in half."

Wei Ying takes a good, long look at him. Huaisang doesn't appear to be lying, in fact, it feels like the total opposite of that.

"I really think this has to be brought to the attention of our Emperor." Huaisang insists.

"Why? He doesn't seem to have missed it in any way, otherwise we would have heard something about it by now." Wei Ying argues. He doesn't want to dismiss what Huaisang is saying but he knows he's making a valid point.

"Not if it's a secret he doesn't want anyone else to know about. Maybe we should talk with my grandmother." Huaisang looks pensive at that. "And, if it comes to his knowledge that you had that and didn't bring it to him straight away, he may decide to punish us."

"How would he know about that? Unless you told him!" Wei Ying declares, narrowing his eyes at Huaisang.

"Please. As if I would. But it's been my experience that nothing remains secret forever. All things come to light, and I'm just saying that in matters of national security, one should be as transparent as possible. The wrath of our Emperor is no small thing, and why invite trouble?" Huaisang looks too sure of himself as he takes a sip of his tea.

"He has a point, Didi, A-Xian." XiChen says reluctantly.

"Are you saying we should do as he says, XiChen-Ge?" Wei Ying turns to him.

His Brother-in-Bond has always given them good advice and if he's in agreement with Huaisang, then they should listen to both of them.

"It is better to be safe. We should also inform Shifu." XiChen strokes his chin thoughtfully. "WanYin and I can look after Rumi and Li XiWang while you're away, should it take longer than we expect."

"Oh...I had assumed we would take them with us, but you're right. We don't know what we're getting into and it's silly to uproot them when this feels like it can be sorted out in a day or two. Plus Li XiWang already missed her lessons this morning," Wei Ying giggles at the memory of his upset family that were way too invested in academic studies.

"Then let's make a plan." XiChen decides. "First, we tell Uncle Qiren about the coin and where you're going. He worries about you both when you're not here, you know."

"Alright. Next, we tell my brother and the children. I'd rather everyone knows where we're going than us sneaking off." Wei Ying agrees. "What?" He pouts when everyone gapes at him. "I'm a responsible parent now, I can't just waltz into the sunset without considering others."

"I'm proud of you," Lan Zhan says, pulling him close to kiss his forehead. "Good boy."

Wei Ying hides his face in Lan Zhan's shoulder, smiling helplessly.

"We will go with Nie-Zhongzu tomorrow morning. In the meantime, let us make preparations." Lan Zhan says, standing up.

"With me?" Huaisang squeaks. "Why?"

"We need you to introduce us to your family, but also, it's a bit hard to teleport to a place we've never been before, that's where you come in." Wei Ying beams at him.

However much Huaisang might make a song and dance about going somewhere against his will, he's always been a gossip and a nosy person, therefore the blustering is just for show. In fact, they might have played directly into his hands by "forcing" him to come along. However, if their objectives remained the same, then there was no harm in doing what he wanted.

"Right then, let's go visit Uncle Qiren." Wei Ying also stands up, taking Lan Zhan by the hand.

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