Chapter 21: Honesty

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Hao Bai looks them over, while Wei Ying sends the silencing talismans to the walls and the ceiling.

"This is my husband's writing! Where did you find these?" She looks up at Wei Ying.

He can see no lie in her eyes, no deceit upon her face.

"A good friend found them. Actually, calling him just a friend sounds woefully inadequate, not when he's better than a brother to me." Wei Ying admits.

"I was under the impression it was just you three as our guests." Hao Bai is definitely a few degrees cooler now. "So won't you introduce me to your friend?"

Privately, Wei Ying thinks, see? How do you like it when something is kept from you? But he knows that's petty, so he doesn't say anything except Hui Gai's name.

In a split second, Hui Gai is there and pulls him up into a warm hug. "PengYou! It's been too long!"

"It was only last night," Wei Ying protests, giggling as he hugs him back, hard.

Hui Gai waves at Lan Zhan and catches the shock on Hao Bai's face as he deliberately sits in between her and Wei Ying. Zago hasn't appeared yet, and Wei Ying thinks that might be a good idea - they still can't trust these people properly, yet.

"So, did you tell her?" Hui Gai doesn't bother with bowing at anyone, and Wei Ying doesn't mention it.

In his mind, if anyone ought to be bowing, it's them, since Hui Gai is the King of the Nether World.

"Yep. That's why I called for you. Popo wants to know where you found these papers." Internally, Wei Ying adds, "I don't think she knew about them, though."

Hao Bai is suddenly very uncomfortable. She's never seen a demon before, and certainly not one as unique as Hui Gai. All her life, she's been taught not to trust them, only hearing fairy tales and horror stories where demons were painted in a bad light. And now, she is being asked to trust one of these very same wily creatures, and she's not sure she can.

His skin is full of scales, each one deeper and more opaque than the darkest night. His eyes are red, and his lips match, as scarlet as a red rose in full bloom. He has two horns atop his head, one broken and one whole. There must be a story behind that, she thinks. His smile is genuine, for all that the pointy teeth do nothing to calm her.

She honestly never thought the day would come where she would be face to face with a demon, and forced to ask him questions.

PengYou, let's make sure, Hui Gai replies through their mental connection.

Have at it, my friend. But don't hurt her.

Hui Gai's face doesn't betray his thoughts, but he tilts it in a miniscule action aimed at Wei Ying.

"Have you truly never seen these before?" He asks Hao Bai.

"I swear to you, I have never seen these papers. But I recognise my husband's writing, and that's why I'm asking you where you found them." Hao Bai forces herself to meet his cunning gaze as Hui Gai appraises her.

"I assumed it was his office, judging by the furniture in there. These papers and more were hidden inside a book of poetry in a green trunk, the last of five such trunks stacked upon each other. But now I have to ask: how come you didn't know they were there?"

"My husband forbade us from going in there. No one goes in, not even the staff. He banned anyone from entering around six months ago. He had the only key." She explains. "So how did you get in?"

"No wall or ward can stop me," Hui Gai says without arrogance. It is a fact, and he doesn't have to be extra proud of that particular skill. "But if your husband passed away three months ago, how come you haven't cleaned it out yet?"

Hao Bai stares at him for a second.

In that moment, they witness a depth of pain so wide and vast and deep, the likes of which only Lan Zhan has experienced, and he wouldn't wish that on his worst enemy.

She blinks a few times and then the honest feelings are hidden away, not for baring in front of strangers.

"My husband's estate is large and varied, and as such, we haven't gotten around to his personal effects yet. The issue of the key to his room delayed us in the beginning, but then he was buried so fast that I never thought of taking it from around his neck. Grief stalls even the most hard-working hands." Hao Bai says finally, and somehow, in this first morning sunlight, she looks older and more of her wrinkles stand out on her pale skin.

Wei Ying feels sorry for her.

Any person over a respectable age should be looking forward to spending their days in comfort and taking joy from the things that made them happy. Hao Bai was of the age when she should be playing with her great-grandchildren and having fun, not worrying about who might have murdered her husband in such a cruel way and then tried to cover it up.

"Okay, here's what we're going to do," he says decisively. "The way I see it, you have a choice before you. If you want our help, then there are going to be conditions, not least of all full transparency. You must trust us by telling us everything you know or suspect to be true, so that we're not heading into the lion's cave blindfolded. Am I clear?" Wei Ying switches his gaze between Huaisang and his grandmother. "I don't know how to prove to you that we're trustworthy, because that seems to be your biggest hangup with us, but just know that if I suspect you're holding out on us, then all bets are off. We'll walk away and you can sort out this mess by yourselves."

Hao Bai shocks everyone by bowing to him.

"I'm sorry you feel like we're lying to you. I know you're finding it hard to trust us in return, but quite honestly, if you lived here, you would know and understand what it feels like to live under constant scrutiny. The worst part of it is that we know we are housing spies for the Royal House, but there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. It is easier to impale ourselves on swords than to place our trust in just anyone. What can I do to make this better?"

"Popo!" Wei Ying quickly helps her up. "I am just telling you sincerely that we're tired of half-truths and getting only half of the picture, because that's like banging our heads against a brick wall. If we're going to work together, then let's truly work together. I can assure both of you that neither myself, nor my husband want anything from you. That should tell you a lot! In fact, Uncle Qiren told us to disappear if it looked in any way dangerous, and to be honest, the idea is extremely tempting right now."

"Haizi, trust works both ways. And I agree with you, maybe we started out on the wrong foot. If you are willing, then please, let us start again." She looks at the papers that Wei Ying showed her. "I promise you, I don't know anything about these, and that's the truth."

"But I might," Huaisang suddenly pipes up.

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