Pocky Plan 💕🌸

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Request: Hello! 😄 Can I request a fluffy long drabble about Hunter (TOH) playing a pocky game with his shy!female!human! reader in her bedroom at Eda's home for first time? How would Hunter reacts to it? 😂🤭 I really love to see Hunter's blushing reaction to it! 😆 Hint: This pocky game idea is one of Luz's matchmaking plan! 🤣💕 I live for flustered Hunter! 💘 Please?? ~🌻

*Credits to vrisrezis (Tumblr Blogger) is who writing on my TOH request!*

*Credits to vrisrezis (Tumblr Blogger) is who writing on my TOH request!*

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"Wait so .. exhaling this to me again." Hunter asks, who was, or sounded, exasperated at this point.

"It's called pocky!" You explain, "I'm surprised you guys don't have this here.."

He shrugs, "what is the point in sharing food with other people? I still don't get it. How'd you even get that thing?"

"who knows! Luz found it!" You shrug, "I'm adding pocky to the plot hole book" Hunter says.

"Okay whatever! Let's play!" You say, excited. He rolls his eyes, "fine.. wait... play?" "Yeah!? Did you miss the part where I said this was a game." "I don't get it." "The point is we share the stick thing and we have to see who finishes it first!"

You look at Hunter and he seems to have spaced out for a good moment, and there's a realization he comes to as his entire face goes red. "Oh."

And it's then you realize he may not want to play anymore. "I'll rewatch amphibia with you if you play with me." You grin.

"Using my interests against me. You really are a witch. I'm in."

Needless to say, he lost everytime due to nerves.

Hunter TOH x Shy!fem!human!reader Headcanons, Drabbles & Oneshots I requested 💘Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu