Hunter being touched-starved headcanon with shy!fem!human!reader 🍥 #2

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Request: Hi! 😊 Can I request a touch starved headcanon with his shy!female!human! reader for Hunter (GG)? I live for flustered Hunter (GG)! 💕 Please?? ~🌺

*Credits to angelltheninth (Tumblr Blogger) is who writing on my TOH request!*

*Credits to angelltheninth (Tumblr Blogger) is who writing on my TOH request!*

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Hunter never got gentle touches growing up so when he finally gets those from you he doesn't know how to act.

He wants to reciprocate but he's not sure what to do because he's scared of making a mistake.

You don't want to overwhelm him so at first you just keep it to hand-holding.

Over time you start to hug him more and more, enjoying how he just melts against you as he returns the hug.

When you touch his cheek he leans into your palm like a cat.

He stats to enjoy things like little kisses on the cheek or on the forehead the most, you do that every time you meet each other or separate.

He likes to cuddle when you sleep together.

Or just cuddling in general is something that he really enjoys, especially when you lean your head against his shoulder and he wraps his arm around you to bring you closer.

Hunter TOH x Shy!fem!human!reader Headcanons, Drabbles & Oneshots I requested 💘Where stories live. Discover now