he reacts to his shy!fem!human! reader accidentally getting trapped in a futon 🍥

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Request: Hi! 😊 Can I request a The Owl House headcanon about how would he reacts to his shy!female!human! reader accidentally getting trapped in a futon for Hunter (GG)? 😂💖 Please?? ~🌺

*Credits to angelltheninth (Tumblr Blogger) is who writing on my TOH request!*

*Credits to angelltheninth (Tumblr Blogger) is who writing on my TOH request!*

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• Hunter would find the scenario hilarious.

• He would probably try to get you out but fail which would lead to him pouting for a while.

• Hunter would ask Little Rascal to assistance but he would just nuzzle against your cheek.

• Eventually Hunter would manage to talk Little Rascal into helping him free you.

• He would kiss you on the nose while you're trapped and he would request a kiss in return for good luck.

• After he manages to free you he asks you to never try to set a futon again.

• He got trapped a few times but doesn't want to admit it.

Hunter TOH x Shy!fem!human!reader Headcanons, Drabbles & Oneshots I requested 💘Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu