Ship Questions for Hunter and his shy!fem!human!reader 🍥 *P2*

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Request: Hi! 😄 Can I request the ship questions: Love #1-2 and 4-10 for Hunter (GG) x shy!female!human! reader? Please?? ~🌺

*Credits to angelltheninth (Tumblr Blogger) is who writing on my TOH request!*

*Credits to angelltheninth (Tumblr Blogger) is who writing on my TOH request!*

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• 1. Who said "I love you" first?

You did. It was accidental and for a moment you worried that you ruined what you had with Hunter. He was flustered but happy about it since it was the first time someone confessed to him.

• 2. What are their primary love languages?

Hunter likes to show his feelings by doing things for you. He likes to show off and likes when others know how much he loves you. You on the other hands prefer to use your words. Its kind of difficult at times because you're shy but you know Hunter likes to hear the words.

• 4. How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?

Mostly its just hand-holding and kisses on the cheek. Its the first relationship for both you and it can get overwhelming at times. Also there's the fact that the Owl House crew likes to tease both of you a lot to make you both blush, so you stick to hand-holding, cheek kisses and stolen glances.

• 5. Who initiates kisses?

Hunter does. He kisses you whenever you see each other after a long day or when ever you part ways after a date. Its happened many times but it always makes your heart skip a beat.

• 6. Who's the big and little spoon?

Usually Hunter but he likes to be the little spoon as well, especially if he's had a bad day and he wants some comfort. You don't mind giving him that comfort and you like that it gives you a chance to play with his hair, Hunter doesn't understand that part but he lets you do it because it feels soothing.

• 7. What are their favorite things to do together?

One of the favorite things to do is take late night rides on the Palismen staffs. Both of you like the starry night sky and Hunter loves the feeling of freedom it gives him, you on the other hand like how romantic it feels to be out with him at night. Hunter likes that too but he doesn't want to admit it.

• 8. Who's better at comforting the other?

You're better at comforting Hunter than he is comforting you. He tries but he doesn't have much experience with comfort in general or other people for that matter so he doesn't know how to go about it.

• 9. Who's more protective?

You're both protective of each other but Hunter has an easier time expressing it. He's very vocal of being protective you, while you will try to remove him from the bad situation and away from the conflict.

• 10. Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?

Hunter prefers physical affection as that is more his love language. He likes all the hugs, kisses, the gentle touches that come with your relationship because he's never known any of that in his daily life. You like verbal affection more but you also know that its hard for Hunter so you try to encourage him to express himself more.

Hunter TOH x Shy!fem!human!reader Headcanons, Drabbles & Oneshots I requested 💘Where stories live. Discover now