The West

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(Two Years Later)

President Aaron Kimball of the NCR took in a deep breath as he read the reports.

The Enclave up and left and leave no trace of where they went six years ago. And the Brotherhood has betrayed them before the Final Battle. Which in turn destroyed the Base of the Enclave, Kimball couldn't tell if this was good news that the Enclave was gone or Bad news that they didn't get their Tech. Fortunately for them, they found a new treasure trove of equipment and weapons just a couple miles North of the Boneyard. and just in the nick of time too as the Legion tried to attack the Hoover Dam.

Indeed, the situation seems to be at a critical juncture for the NCR. With the Enclave and the Brotherhood both out of the picture, they've lost potential allies and sources of technology. However, the discovery of new resources could potentially offset those losses, at least to some extent. The looming threat of the Legion's attacks, especially on a crucial infrastructure point like the Hoover Dam, underscores the need for the NCR to remain vigilant and resourceful in the face of adversity.

Suddenly a knock came from the door. "Come in." Kimball started.

A NCR officer entered, saluting crisply. "Sir, we've received a transmission from one of our outposts near the Mojave. They're reporting unusual activity near the Divide."

Kimball's interest was piqued. "What kind of activity?"

"It's hard to say, sir. They're reporting seismic activity and strange energy readings. They're requesting reinforcements and support to investigate further."

Kimball nodded thoughtfully. "Very well. Send a team to assess the situation but proceed with caution. We don't want to escalate any tensions unnecessarily."

The officer saluted again and left to relay the orders. Kimball leaned back in his chair, contemplating the implications of this new development in the Mojave.


The Mojave...

A Place where you want to have a Nuclear Winter just to feel cool.

Unfortunately for the NCR, that Wish will never come true. But the good news is that their armor has a coolant system in it to help regulate their body heat.

With the heat and the many factions, The Mojave was indeed a harsh and unforgiving wasteland, but it held both danger and opportunity for those willing to brave its challenges. As the NCR prepared to investigate the unusual activity reported near the Divide, they knew they had to tread carefully.

For Kimball, it was a delicate balance between maintaining order and expanding the reach of the NCR while avoiding unnecessary conflict. The Mojave was already a powder keg waiting to explode, with various factions vying for power and control. Anything out of the ordinary could potentially tip the scales in unpredictable ways.

General Lee Oliver just looks at the Scene where the Quakes has taken place. His expression grim as he contemplated the situation. The NCR had been dealt a heavy blow by the Brotherhood's betrayal six years ago, but they were not without resources or resolve.

Thanks to the schematics acquired from the Chosen One, the NCR had managed to bolster their arsenal with advanced technology salvaged from the Enclave. While it was a small consolation for the treachery they had faced, it gave them a fighting chance in the harsh and unpredictable wasteland of the Mojave. And they have gotten New Equipment from a base that was suddenly appeared out of thin air near Shady Sands, which was filled of Armor for the troops to last in any kind of weather. and the Mojave is now the proving ground of this Armor.

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