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As the Vertibirds carrying High Command approached Raven Rock, the distinct thud of the rotor blades echoed in the air. The sky over the Enclave stronghold seemed to ripple with tension.

Inside the Vertibirds, General Alexander Dean stared out the window, a stoic expression on his face. Lieutenant-Colonel Joshua Grimm checked his weapon, ensuring everything was in order for whatever awaited them. Octavious Autumn reviewed data on recent developments, his mind focused on the challenges ahead.

In SPARROW, James Rylandor, the leader, huddled with his team, discussing the mission with precision. Sarah, the heavy gunner, adjusted her weaponry, while Ryan, the sniper, peered through the scope, evaluating the landscape.

HAWK's leader, Phillip, surveyed the terrain below, his eyes calculating. Travis, the heavy gunner, exchanged a few words with Robert, the sniper, as they prepared for potential threats. Arthur, the assault specialist, flexed his hands, ready for action.

As the Vertibirds descended, Raven Rock came into full view. The fortified Enclave facility stood proudly against the rugged backdrop. The tension inside the Vertibirds intensified, anticipation building for the moment they touched down and confronted the challenges awaiting them.

"Those are a lot of robots." SPARROW's heavy gunner, Sarah, observed the multitude of Eyebots and automated defenses surrounding Raven Rock. Her comment cut through the tension inside the Vertibird, earning a nod from James Rylandor, the team leader.

"You know the drill, team. Stay alert, maintain formation," James directed, his voice steady. The other members of SPARROW adjusted their gear, acknowledging the potential threat posed by the Enclave's automated defenses.

As the Vertibirds continued their descent, Raven Rock's security measures became increasingly apparent. The challenge ahead was clear, and High Command mentally prepared for the confrontation that awaited them on the Enclave's home turf that house the POTUS.

"Remember everybody we are meeting the POTUS, so be professional as you can be." General Alexander Dean, the head of the Armed Forces, emphasized the need for professionalism as the Vertibirds approached Raven Rock. The reminder resonated within the cramped quarters of the aircraft, reminding everyone of the significance of the upcoming meeting with the President of the Enclave.

Lieutenant-Colonel Joshua Grimm, responsible for Defense, exchanged a glance with Octavious Autumn, the head of Research and Development. Their anticipation mixed with a sense of caution as they prepared to engage with the Enclave's leader.

SPARROW and HAWK teams, comprised of skilled operatives, maintained their focus, knowing that meeting the President required a different level of decorum. The air within the Vertibirds became charged with a blend of tension and readiness as they descended toward Raven Rock.

As HIGHCOM and their bodyguards looked around, they saw many robots, from Mr. Gutsy, Sentry bots, Assultrons, Protections, and Scurry robots.

"The President must really like robots." James muttered.

Suddenly, a Mister Handy approach the team. "Are you the President High Command?" He asked.

"Yes, we're High Command. Take us to the President," General Alexander Dean replied to the approaching Mister Handy.

The Enclave personnel, including SPARROW and HAWK teams, remained vigilant as they were guided through the intricate corridors of Raven Rock. The atmosphere was a mix of curiosity and wariness, with the advanced robotic presence around them signaling the Enclave's commitment to advanced technology.

As they moved deeper into the facility, the anticipation heightened, knowing that they were about to meet the President of the Enclave.

After a few minutes of talking, they were at a flight of stairs, Mr. Handy stops and then turns around.

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