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the defeat of the Institute and the Rust Devils was, and still is, a massive swarm of positivity within the Commonwealth. While the HQ of the Institute was still up and running, the wasteland of the Commonwealth won't fear of having being replaced by an android. The sci-fi pyramid that the Rust Devils used is in more capable hands.

Luitenent Gannon, as well as Commander Nate, General Ward, and Sargent Fitzpatrick were looking at the bass of the Institute, noted filled with Enclave, Minutemen, and Railroad personnel.

"Quite the sight, isn't it?" General Ward remarked, his gaze sweeping over the fortified complex.

"It's hard to believe that just a short while ago, this place was the heart of the Institute's operations," Sargent Fitzpatrick added, his tone reflective.

Nate nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the area thoughtfully. "But now, it's under our control. With the Enclave, Minutemen, and Railroad working together, we have the opportunity to use this facility for the greater good of the Commonwealth."

General Ward nodded, a determined expression on his face. "We'll need to establish protocols for managing the resources and technology here. We can't afford to let history repeat itself."

"Agreed," Lieutenant Gannon chimed in. "We'll need to ensure transparency and accountability in all our operations moving forward."

As they discussed the logistics of assimilating the Institute's base into their operations, they knew that their work was far from over.

"Here is the report, General." A female voice said. Turning around, they saw Dr.  Ellen Kane with a report.

General Ward accepted the report. He quickly skimmed through the document, nodding as he read through it.

"Thank you, Dr. Kane. This looks promising," he remarked, impressed by the thoroughness of the analysis.

Dr. Kane smiled, her expression reflecting a mix of satisfaction and determination. "We've only scratched the surface of what this facility has to offer. With the combined expertise of our teams, I'm confident that we can unlock its full potential."

Lieutenant Gannon nodded in agreement. "We'll need to prioritize our efforts and allocate resources accordingly. The technology and research here could be invaluable in our efforts to rebuild and protect the Commonwealth."

Nate listened intently, recognizing the importance of their collaboration in harnessing the Institute's resources for the benefit of all. "Let's get to work then," he said, his tone resolute. "There's much to be done, but together, we can ensure that the legacy of the Institute serves the greater good."

With that, they set to work, united in their mission to shape a better future for the Commonwealth.

"Sir. We found some more G.E.C.Ks, it seems that the Institute was building more of them in the deeper layers." A Enclave private said to the group.

"Thanks Private, that'll be all." Ward said as he continues to look at the former Headquarters of the Institute. Already the Enclave was making itself home here with it's scientists and engineers.

"What do you think will happen to the Divisions?" Nate asked Gannon, who knew the President before any of them.

"If I know Eden, he'll probably put them in Jail for their crimes, but will pardon some by the Evidence he will gather from them. After that, he'll probably do Reconstruction here and on the Capital." Even thought of his opinion. "Those who are willing to cooperate and contribute positively may be given a chance to redeem themselves under his leadership." He added.

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