the Question

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After a few weeks, with Chicago being in our control and the people there are friendly with the forces there, and Project Unity is in full swing. while there were some outcries that I expected from some of the officers and researchers, mainly the die-hard purist, the fact I had a majority POSITIVE give me a chance to file out recruitment that the Enclave desperately needed. this in turn free up manpower of my army while some went to train the new recruits. even though they are less equipped than my armed forces, the fact I give them T-41s and T-60s will give them the slight edge over raiders and other things like the irradiated wildlife there.

After that, I ordered HIGHCOM to go to Chicago as it was not only more defensible and have more time to evacuate, but part of the Exodus of getting here while taking everything that was from NORAD. And just Yesterday I received word that they are in Chicago now. While they were there, I ordered some of the Enclave to remided behind to be our forward outpost and spy on our enemies.

Now I can work on many other things. Like what type of armor and weapons would help the Security forces to become an actual police and SWAT forces. While I did promise the Mayor of Riverdale to get some equipment for the security forces, I wonder what equipment I should give them.

Before I could resume that train of thought. I was interrupted by a call by one of my Salvaging/Scout teams that was near Michigan.

"/Uh sir? /" A captain begins.

"What is it, Captain?" I questioned.

"/We encountered a problem. /" The captain reported.

"What kind of problem? Is everyone alright?" I ask, worried about not only for the team's safety, but what they encounter.

"/Sir, we are in what you want us to be and... /" the captain paused. "/Did Pre-War America had a Fortress City? /"

A Fortress City? That should be impossible. There was no Fortress city other than Anchorage in Fallout. What is going on?

"Can you explain what it is?" I as the captain to elaborate.

"/It looks like a spiral, cities on top of one another, and a massive, I repeat a MASSSIVE Defense system that covers the damn thing! And there seems to be a double-headed eagle on it as well! Jesus where was this on the fucking maps?!/" The Captain all but shouted in the end.

... How is that possible?

"Captain, I will say this and repeat this to your men and listen CAREFULLY: your new orders are to investigate this fortress and stick together. Do not split up. I will repeat Captain, DO NOT split up in there. And if you see anything important, use the chip that I give you, and if you see something off, don't try to investigate. Get out of there." I ordered the captain.

"/Even if it has value, Mr. President? /" The captain questions.

"I rather have men breathing than what monster is in that Fortress escape, so Yes Captain." I said as the captain ended the call.

As I try to rationalize the description of the fortress, I had another call of ANOTHER Scout team. This time in Ohio. "/Sir./" The leader, a Sargent this time, called out.

"What is it Sargent? You found something similar to the Scout team in Michigan?" I ask.

"/What do you mean 'similar to the Scout team in Michigan?' They have a big-ass lab there too?/" The Sargent repeated.

What? Just a lab?

"No, but that doesn't matter for now. Can you see descriptions on the lab?" I really don't think that fortress city was a coincidence, neither is this.

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