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The doors revealed to have a Hallway with two room on either side of it. one room holds what appears to be a office, while the other room contains the similar Cryo-Chamber that Nate was in, only there was four people inside of each chamber.

"Welp, we found the Cryo!" A Private said as they entered.

"Hmm, looks like remote control instead of manual." the Sagent Leader mused as he turns to his squad and Nate. "Alright Everyone, spread out and find the master Control panel. I should be nearby, open it and release these fellas from their icy prison." The Sargent ordered as the Enclave, as well as Nate, began searching for the control room for the Cryo-chamber of the Government Section of Vault 111.

The Enclave squad, led by the determined Sargent, and Nate dispersed throughout the room, meticulously scanning for the master control panel that would grant freedom to those confined in the cryo-chambers. The dimly lit room carried an air of suspense as the team carefully examined consoles, terminals, and various control mechanisms.

As the Enclave soldiers worked on their respective areas, Nate found himself drawn to the office-like room adjacent to the cryo-chamber. Dust-covered desks and scattered papers hinted at the remnants of a forgotten era. A flickering terminal on one of the desks caught Nate's attention.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Nate approached the terminal and began navigating through its outdated interface. The screen displayed logs, detailing the occupants of the cryo-chambers and their statuses. Each entry held information about the individuals inside, including names, backgrounds, and the circumstances that led them to Vault 111.

Nate's eyes widened as he discovered the identities of those preserved in the cryo-chambers. The realization struck him - they were fellow members of the Enclave, individuals he might have known before the bombs fell. The connection between these frozen figures and the current state of the Enclave started to form in Nate's mind.

Meanwhile, the Enclave soldiers continued their search for the master control panel, unaware of the revelations unfolding within the confines of the office. The mysteries of Vault 111's Government sector were slowly unraveling, exposing a hidden chapter that would have profound implications for both Nate and the Enclave.

"Hey Everyone! I think I found it!" Nate called out.

The Enclave Squad quickly went to Nate's location. and sure enough, they saw the master control computer for the Cryo-room.

"Excellent work Nate!" the Leader praised. "Can you open it the chambers?"

"I'll try. But let just hope it does work." Nate said as he went back on the terminal.

Nate, with a mixture of hope and anticipation, began manipulating the controls of the master terminal. The flickering screen responded to his inputs, displaying a sequence of commands that would initiate the thawing process for the occupants of the cryo-chambers.

As Nate executed the final command, a low hum filled the room, accompanied by the subtle release of vapors. The cryo-chamber lids began to hiss open, revealing the figures within. Each chamber's occupant emerged, disoriented and groggy, blinking against the sudden light.

The Enclave soldiers observed as four individuals, clad in Vault jumpsuits, stepped out of their respective cryo-chambers. Confusion marked their expressions as they tried to comprehend the situation.

Nate stepped forward, addressing the newly awakened individuals. "Welcome back. My name is Nate Jackson. I'm with the Enclave. We've come to get you out of here."

The individuals, still adjusting to the sudden change in their circumstances, exchanged uncertain glances. The Enclave soldiers maintained a vigilant stance, ready for any unforeseen developments.

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