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in Chicago, President Eden was overseeing the integration of the newly acquired technology from the Fortress City and Aperture Science lab. The Enclave scientists and engineers were working diligently to understand and adapt the advanced equipment to their needs.

"Sir, the integration of the Combine technology is progressing smoothly. The Enclave soldiers are getting familiar with the new armor and weapons," one of the scientists reported.

"Excellent. Keep me updated on their progress. And what about the Imperium of Man technology?" President Eden inquired.

"The Imperium tech is proving to be a valuable asset. The powered armor and lasguns are formidable additions to our arsenal. We've also identified some unique manufacturing processes that could enhance our production capabilities," another scientist explained.

"Good. Make sure to prioritize the adaptation of these technologies. We need to strengthen our forces and establish a firm grip on the Wasteland. The Brotherhood and any other potential threats must be dealt with," President Eden stated.

"Sir, Cobra responded, he said that Templar is Aware." Nova reports.


(Eden POV)

Well, that seems to be a problem.

While Project Iccuris was a success, it has proved my worries: the Mid-West Brotherhood knows about me, and they have Airships, or so the lore says. but it won't deter me. If they have airships, it might complicate matters, but I have resources and strategies they can't predict. Project Unity has brought me Wasteland recruits, strengthening our forces. Now, I must deal with these newfound complications strategically.

I consider reaching out more Wastelanders on the East coast, trying to establish communication and potentially negotiate an alliance. It's a risky move, but diplomacy might prove more beneficial than confrontation. With Project Iccuris in motion, I have an advantage, showcasing the Enclave's capabilities and making them think twice about opposing us. The discovered facilities, including the mysterious Aperture lab and the Hive City, present opportunities to enhance Enclave technology. I need to exploit these resources for the greater good of rebuilding America and securing the Enclave's future.

"/Sir./" an Enclave Soldier began.

"Yes, soldier?" I respond to the Enclave soldier.

"/We've intercepted communications suggesting increased Brotherhood of Steel activity in the region. It seems they're mobilizing forces and preparing for potential conflict./" The soldier reports.

This news doesn't come as a surprise. The Mid-West Brotherhood is undoubtedly reacting to our presence and activities. It's time to prepare for a possible confrontation.

"Thank you for the update. Ensure our forces are on high alert, and gather intel on their movements. We need to know their intentions and capabilities. Keep me informed of any developments." I instruct the soldier.

As the Brotherhood mobilizes, I must refine my strategies, leveraging the alliances I've built and the technological advancements at my disposal. The game is evolving, and I need to stay steps ahead to secure the Enclave's position in the wasteland.


Mike Richard, who is a new recruit for the Enclave, couldn't help but whistle at the new gear. "These boys looks tough." he said, eyeing the advanced weaponry and sophisticated armor. The Enclave's recent upgrades were leaving a significant impression on the newcomers.

"You said it." another Enclave Recruit said back, looking at the weapons. "These things might've been a gift from the President himself if he let us have fun."

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