NORAD and Operation: Luna

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Lieutenant-Colonel Joshua Grimm, who has just recently promoted to be the new Commander of Camp Navarro, was doing the most soul crushing thing that any military has to do in any situation, wither it be logistics, strategies, hell, even have to do your freaking undergarments.


It was an evil chore that virtually no one wants to do, but it is a necessity evil that needed to be done, and thanks to the new president, it was a whole lot lighter than it was, for him personally, he thinks that the president is trying to gift him the light load and do it himself. Something that he is thankful for and wonders if he is dreaming or not.

It has been a week and a half since Enclave Control was destroyed, along with most of the leadership. For a brief period, the Enclave was, for the first time, leaderless and disorganized. To him. It felt like the Enclave was done, as well as any hope of rebuilding America.

And when this new president came along, President William Henry Eden, it came to a surprise to the Enclave as a whole.

Joshua was one of many who were skeptical about the new president. But that all changed when Eden confirmed verifications and proof as he brought up the Presidental codes, albeit a bit old.

However, there was one officer (who was a Purist) that many within the camp hold a grudge, especially Dornan. He immediately denied the president just by some old codes that 'some stupid Wastelander got' only for EVERY single robot, from Mr. Gutsy to the protections and sentry bots aim the weapons on the officer. What he heard next was probably the most dangerous threat that could come out of any man. And he remembers it clearly.

"/Now officer, while I do admit the Presidental Codes are old, that doesn't make me less than a president after Enclave Control was destroyed. And unlike Mr. Richardson, I am not afraid to get my hands dirty if I need it, even if I'm stuck in the east coast. And you Officer need to be reminded what America is. We are born out of an Empire that was born a thousand years ago, and while our founding fathers were our leaders, most were common men, in the American Revolution, we had no army to pay. We didn't have mercenaries to do our dirty work. We had no friends to call upon except ourselves. We alone made America. The French and the Spanish only joined to piss off the British. And because of that officer, is why I am talking to you right now instead of hiding in the dark. If there was any option of diplomacy, I would take it. But know this officer, if you stabbed me in the back or try to harm your fellow soldiers, I will not hesitate to remove you from your position and the face of the earth./" The president threat was almost sounded like a promise in all honesty.

After the fiasco with the officer, President Eden quickly got to work. And very quickly, he has gotten the Enclave to stabilized after being leaderless for the first time since the formation hundreds of years ago.

To Joshua's complete honesty, it seems a bit busier these past few days with the president trying to get the Enclave back its feet. Something that was VERY respectful considering the fact he was stuck in the East Coast.

The seer effort and work that he was putting himself through was almost admirable, and because of his deeds, desertion dropped completely, and there was a newfound sense of loyalty. And that loyalty not only reformed, but it also grew as well.

One of the first things the President has done was rebuilding the Command structure of the Enclave. It made sense as the entire old command staff was killed, save for Doctor Octavious Autumn and Colonel Alexander Dean. Doctor Autumn was still in charge of the science branch while Dean was in charge of the Armed forces. As for any units that survived the explosion, they were transferred to other squads based on their skills while some were combined to make a new task force there was one Called RAID (Ranger Assault Intel Division), whose mission was to gather intelligence about their enemies and recon area of interest.

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