Even if they were only in their third year at Hogwarts, Amelia hoped they'd get together one year.

April brought nothing but stress.

Theo let out a sigh making Amelia to frown and put her books on the coffee table beside her, giving him her full attention.

"What's up?"

The pair were in the library, working on some homework before they had to go to Quidditch practice. The others had already finished everything and left them around ten minutes ago.

With end of year exams coming up, teachers began doubling up the amount of homework they set each week, making it a lot harder for Amelia to manage her time.

In her opinion, having end of year exams at the beginning of May when the school year ended in July was stupid.

The only upside to that was they got to spend the rest of the summer without worrying about exams.

The boy looked up to meet Amelia's gaze. "I just don't get potions. Im going to fail my exam and I'm just never going to get it!" He complained, throwing his quill across the room.

Amelia laughed at his playful manner and started to scrummage through her bag,

"Here." She said, putting a few pieces of paper down on the table. "I made you some notes when I noticed you were falling behind."

Theo grinned widely as he took them and began reading over them. "Woah! Thanks Amelia! You really are the best."

"Of course."

They then went back to working in silence for a while. Both of them concentrating on their separate assignments.

Theo had his tongue sticking out slightly, something Amelia noticed he always did when he was intrigued with something and was in deep thoughts.

"I'm done!" He shouted, throwing his paper in the air, he looked proud of himself and had a contagious smile.

"Alright. Keep it down though, yeah? Don't want to get kicked out."

"Oh yeah. Forgot about the old hag in here."
Despite getting dirty looks from seventh year Ravenclaws Theo kept his smile on his face.

Amelia nodded and put her nose back in her book as well as writing more of her notes.

"Potter and his goons are staring at you." Theo informed her, glaring back at them.

At This information, Amelia lifted her head up to find what he said was true.

She sighed before speaking. "Ignore them. If they want to look at me so desperately let them."

Theo did as he was told and faced Amelia's way again. "Have you sorted out what's happening this summer yet?"

"I'm staying with the Malfoy's. They've invited me to go to the Quidditch World Cup with them but I think I'm going to probably spending a lot of time at Blake's."

"That's great news, we're going as well."

She gave him a small smile, still concentrated with her work, "I suppose we'll see you there then."

"I suppose you will." He paused for a moment, "Black number two, or Lupin as you call her, is making her way towards us."

Black number two was a nickname the Slytherins plus Blake had gave to Olivia. During their first year it was awfully confusing for them whenever somebody shouted Black and so they made a nickname.

"Great." She muttered, putting her books and notes to the side and planting a fake smile on her face to match her face energy she spoke with fake enthusiasm. "If it isn't the adopted Black! How can I assist you on this fine day? I assume you're not looking for guidance in your revision as I see you have Granger over there practically devouring that poor book."

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