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November came around far too quickly for Amelia and the only thing that had kept her going was Draco and Adrian.

The day after the weighing of the wands, Adrian had spoken to Amelia and reassured her that he'd always be there for her if she needed him. He also offered to help her practice some spells.

Despite many students beginning to leave her alone, the others had still refused to speak to her and Amelia missed their usual support.

The first task was drawing nearer, it was practically round the corner and Amelia was unsettled, not knowing what the task would hold.

She had never felt this nervous before, not even before her first Quidditch Match or when she had to return home for the summer period.

Like he promised, James and Lily sent her a pile of books that they thought would be useful. Upon hearing this, Draco had forced her to learn many new spells and the theory behind them.

He and Blake (who surprisingly made a good duo) spent many lunchtimes hunched up together in the library to practice them.

On the Saturday before the first task, all students in the third year and above were permitted to visit the village of Hogsmeade.

James told Amelia himself that it would do her good to get away from the castle for a bit, and Amelia didn't need much persuasion.

She was glad he was finally letting her out the castle.

"What about the others?" Amelia questioned Draco, "Do you not want to go to them?"

Draco hook his head, "I spoke to Theo this morning, they'll be fine. I think he's starting to come around."


"Yeah." Draco said, walking right besides her as Hogsmeade came into view, "He says he'd be happy if you won."

"That's nice."

Seeing Rita Skeeter and her photographer friend emerge from the Three Broomsticks Pub made Amelia want to run right back to the castle but somehow she prevailed and carried on with Draco and Blake.

"I swear she better not write anything else about me in that Daily Prophet." She complained as soon as the woman was out of sight.

Rita Skeeter had published her piece about the Triwizard Tournament, and it had turned out to be not so much a report on the tournament as a highly colored life story of Amelia.

Much of the front page had been given over to a picture of Amelia; the article (continuing on pages two, six, and seven) had been all about Amelia, the names of the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang champions (misspelled) had been squashed into the last line of the article, and Cedric hadn't been mentioned at all.

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