A Day In the Rain

Start from the beginning

"Ah...I always made sure my lady looked her best, missed having someone to care for. Now that I don't have Charlie, I'll have you for a spell, as long as you'll have me, now let's work on those gnarly hooves!"


Alastor quickly brought his legs up, making sure the gown didn't slip to expose him beneath the sheets.

"No no no no, my good man that is not necessary! They look fine." He grinned and waved the pestering king away who had the most determined look on his face, his cheeks puffed and his brow furrowed.

"Gimme those hooves!"

He threw the blanket off, Alastor's lip twitching as he had nowhere to hide now, not even trying to take down Lucifer as he was still healing.

His red hooves were long and unkempt, having jagged edges that left Lucifer huffing fire.

"You have to take care of these! They're a mess, you're gonna have difficulty walking at some point. You're a psychotic mess! Seriously! Oh boy...okay. I'm gonna calm down." He released a soft groan of disbelief, Alastor watching him and amused by the manner in which the king's voice grew higher in pitch as he grew more bothered with his hygiene.

"Lucifer—if you could be less forceful right now? You forget the gravity of your own damages", he motioned to his bandages, a burning sensation coming from his stitches as he had moved up so swiftly, there was no breakage, but that pain was definitely a warning not to overextert himself.

Feeling guilty he was so rough, he softened his expression and held out his hand. "Right...Right I'll be careful. Sorry about that." He cleared his throat, gesturing his hand. "Give me a hoof."

Alastor hesitated, but eventually brought a hoof out, resting it in Lucifer's hand with ears back as he observed him, feeling the gown catching a draft as Lucifer proceeded to clip off excess hoof growth. It was a lot like his finger nails, not hurting yet still feeling like it was a part of him. Lucifer seemed intensely focused on his work as he sanded the area smooth and blew the dust away eventually covering his hooves with a balm that tingled as it got in between the natural spacing between the hooves, Lucifer unable to resist slipping two fingers with balm between the gap leaving Alastor tensing up.

"T-That's a little strange." His static shifted, a nervous laugh leaving him as Lucifer's blush picked up, looking up from his hoof to find the darkness of the gown in front of him, practically open. The man only had a slim bit of fabric covering his parts, and it was all the more tempting to get a closer look when Alastor snapped his fingers in front of him.

"Excuse you, my eyes are up here."

Lucifer turned the brightest red, looking away.

"It's not my fault you're such a tease."

"And it's not my fault you're a pervert. Think I've told you that you are one before, you were the one who insisted on grooming me." His static buzzed before Lucifer grinned, his phone suddenly ringing as he grabbed it after jolting.

"Uh...hello?" Sweat came down as he looked to Alastor who was smirking, he recognized his daughter's ring tone was playing before he answered.

Charlie had the hotel in a complete state of disarray, moaning sounds could be heard as Angel was having a client upstairs she couldn't keep away, Husk downing the biggest bottle of whiskey he could get his paws on.

"Uh...hey dad. You aren't bothering Alastor are you? Cause Vaggie told me she told you about his condition."

He could hear the suspicion in her voice, a hesitant chuckle leaving him as he thought about what to say next.

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