Extra Chapter: Battles of Volumes 1-3

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Editor: Hi! I decided to do a fun little chapter while I'm in between writing volumes. This is just a recap of battles and outcomes that have occurred throughout the series thus far to help you guys keep track of what's been happening. Enjoy!

Volume 1 Fights 

Ruby Rose & Rody Azuris vs. Roman Torchwick & Henchmen; Ruby and Rody knock out all the henchmen, Roman attempts to flee.

Ruby Rose, Rody Azuris, & Glynda Goodwitch Vs. Roman Torchwick & Cinder Fall; Glynda joins the fight, but Cinder and Roman flee in the Bullhead, Glynda takes Rody and Ruby to Ozpin.

Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna, & Donald Azuris Vs. Ursai; Yang, Blake, and Donald each kill an Ursa and proceed to the temple as a group.

Ruby Rose, Rody Azuris, & Weiss Schnee Vs. Beowolves; After getting in the way of her attack, Ruby causes Weiss to set the trees on fire, forcing the humans and the monsters to flee in opposite directions.

Lie Ren Vs. King Taijitu; Ren successfully kills the Grimm using its own fangs against it, then meets up with Nora Valkyrie.

Lie Ren & Nora Valkyrie Vs. Ursa; While on their way to the temple, Ren and Nora battle an Ursa, which Nora rides and kills with her hammer.

Rody Azuris Vs. Beowolves & Ursa; While chasing Ruby and Weiss, he encounters another group of Beowolves and an Ursa, and quickly destroys them upon entering the clearing to the temple.

Team JNPR Vs. Deathstalker; After Jaune notices the weak point, the team works together to kill the Deathstalker, allowing them to pass initiation.

Team RWBY & Team RD Vs. Nevermore; After coming up with a strategy, the two teams launch their leaders at the creature, creating enough force for both to decapitate the Grimm and complete their initiation.

Weiss Schnee Vs. Boarbatusk; Weiss eventually stops and then kills the Grimm by stabbing its underbelly.

Jaune Arc Vs. Cardin Winchester; Cardin is able to easily disarm and knock down Jaune, Glynda stops the fight because of Aura level.

Cardin Winchester Vs. Ursa Major; Cardin is bested by the Grimm and loses his weapon, but Jaune steps in and blocks the lethal strike to Cardin.

Jaune Arc & Pyrrha Nikkos Vs. Ursa Major; After Pyrrha uses her Semblance to help him block a strike to his head, Jaune is able to behead the Ursa Major and save Cardin.

Blake Belladonna, Rody Azuris, & Sun Wukong Vs. Roman Torchwick & The White Fang; Rody, Blake, and Sun back Roman into a corner and defeat most of his goons, but he separates them with a container and holds Rody at gunpoint, only to be interrupted by Ruby Rose.

Ruby Rose & Penny Polendina Vs. Roman Torchwick & The White Fang; Ruby is shot by Melodic Cudgel and Penny steps in, cleaving Bullheads in half, defeating the rest of the goons, but Roman flees with the other two remaining Bullheads.

Volume 2 Fights

Mercury Black & Emerald Sustrai Vs. Tukson; After a very brief scuffle, Tukson is quickly assassinated by Emerald and Mercury.

Happy Vs. Hidden One (Red); After being swarmed by an Ursa Major and Beowolves, Happy plunges his hand through the Hidden One's chest, only to kill him via Grimm Centipedes, Happy decapitates him as well.

Team RWBY Vs. Team JNPR; After the rest of her team is down, Ruby Rose creates a whirlwind with her semblance and knocks team JNPR into a wall, defeating them on her own.

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