The First Step

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Memory, Flashback

As Rody slept, his mind drifted from his happy place to a place that he didn't want to remember, his old home on the island, and those he had lost. It was here that a year ago, his Master had named it afterwards, the Parade of 1000 deaths had taken place, where Grimm had invaded the Island, led by a bastard who only referred to himself as "Happy" and also by a man named Kent Amethyst, someone who had been actively hunting his master for some time. But that wasn't the worst of it, as the only reason this had happened in the first place was because of someone they once called their friend, someone named-

???: Hatch! He's the one who did this!

Rody looked over as his older brother Donald had been angrily shouting at his master Isabella, who, like Rody, were in mourning over the loss of life that had transpired. The life loss were his family and friends on the Island, and Rody was sitting hugging his knees as he stared at the gravestones while the argument behind him was taking place.

Donald: He led them right to us, told that smiling son of a bitch we were here, attacked you and the others, but the minute you got even remotely serious with him, they left, with Hatch!

Isabella: (Eyes closed with a grim look on her face) I'm well aware of that Don, I'm not going to let this slide either.

Donald: So, what are we supposed to do then?! Just sit here until they come back?!

Isabella: No! (Her eyes opened with tears starting to form, Rody then got up and walked over to them) We will not do that, nor will we run away, but there are a few ideas that come to mind as to where they could've gone.

Donald: Then let's go then! We'll hunt them down and-

Isabella: I will hunt them down, you two cannot come with me, however.

Rody had started to have tears well up again, while Donald looked flabbergasted. In Don's mind he wondered how that was fair, they had every right to find the bastards that did this and make them pay. However, Rody was more concerned with his Master rather than revenge, he already lost a lot of the loved ones in his life, apart from one in Atlas, he wasn't ready to lose another. Especially since he became aware of her...condition that had been increasing steadily since he was three.

Isabella: You two are still not fully prepared for the journey ahead, but that doesn't mean I will just leave you here either. I'm going to phone an old friend who can help look after you while I'm gone in the next four months. Then after this year-

Donald: You're leaving n four months?! Without us?

Rody: Don, maybe we should do as she-

Donald: No, Rody! (Rody winced as he watched his brother get progressively angrier) I'm not sitting on the sidelines as this happens anymore, Rody I can understand, but not me! I'm coming with-

Isabella, who had been silently taking the brunt of Donald's anger, gripped his shoulders and looked him dead in the eyes (well, as close as to where his eyes would be with the hood on).

Isabella: NO! I will not lose the two of you after what happened! Besides you got lucky with Kent, but who's to say there aren't others stronger than him?! How do you think I would feel throwing you into danger? How would your brother feel?! My love, you have to look out for each other, because I won't always be there for you two!

Donald begins to calm himself as he glances at Rody who had begun to cry, and Donald understood that. He couldn't leave his brother like that; he couldn't put him through another hell like what had happened two weeks ago. Not again.

Donald: (teary-eyed) Alright, fine. But what will we do after a year?

Isabella: (sighs in relief as she stands) You will be sent to Beacon Academy, and I have to finish as much of your training as I can, BOTH of you.

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