Character Bio: Donald Felix Copper Azuris Volumes 1-3

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Full Name: "Donnie" Donald Felix Copper Azuris

Age: 17 (Vol. 1-3)

Height: 5'10" (Vol. 1-3)

Hair Color: Black and wavy

Eye Color: Unknown

Skin Color: White

Regular Attire: Donald typically wears a sky-blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up to below his elbows, wrist devices that allow him to use dust, and has a belt that holds dust crystals for him to use around his waist. Donald wears dark blue combat pants with the cuffs tied around his ankles wear a similar device on his wrists are attached and, like his brother, he doesn't wear shoes. Donald's face is the biggest mystery as he has a shawl always pulled over his face and the only visible thing you can see is his mouth. The shawl is navy blue and is wrapped around his neck and pulled low over his face. Like his brother, he too wears a symbol on his shirt as well.

Volume 2 episode 4-5: He simply wears a white zip-up hoodie with the hood pulled low over his face and wears black jeans instead.


Aura Color: Light blue

Aura Manipulation: Like his little brother, Donald is also very well-versed in manipulating his aura to enhance his strength, speed, durability, and can heal from wounds with it as well. Unlike Rody, Donald struggles to be able to fire off rounds of pure aura, however, he can enhance certain aspects of his abilities with aura, something that Rody struggles with. Donald is stated to have about more aura than Jaune, but less than Rody does.

Unknown Healing Factor: Unlike his brother, Donald seems to possess some kind of unknown healing factor, even if he happens to run out of aura. It comes in handy when he is in a bind, however, he cannot actively use this to heal others.

Semblance(?): Donald seems to possess the ability to manipulate the elements that come from dust, such as earth, air, fire, water, gravity, etc. He has shown incredible proficiency in doing so, to the point where even Weiss can hardly believe the fine tuning of his aura output, and quick actions. Donald has even demonstrated manipulating elements outside of using dust to activate his semblance and has far more variety of technique and control than Rody does with his own. But like most semblances, it drains his aura very quickly, however, he once stated it didn't as much as it used to. However, he is no slouch when it comes to hand-to-hand combat and could even contend with Yang, provided she doesn't use her semblance.

Unknown Ability: Like Rody, Donald also possesses an unknown ability as well. But unlike Rody, Donald was born with his, and it makes him uncomfortable when he uses this darkness of an ability due to his past and tries to keep. It. Down.

Great Intellect: Donald isn't near Rody's level of intellect when it comes to strategy and other such subjects. However, he has proven to be very capable of adapting in combat, and thanks to his semblance, he is more than able to improvise if need has to, he also can think of ideas on the fly even as he fights.

Donald is an even greater mystery than Rody is to most of his friends. The only known things about him is that him and Rody met on the island they were born on at 5 years old, since then they have been brothers. The only other thing is that at 13 years old, Donald was introduced to and accepted a position in the Hidden One's League, a group dedicated to protecting the world from Salem, which is why he wears the shawl and never lets anyone see his face. Apart from Rody and Isabella, and that's because they're family. Despite coming off as cold and calculating, Donald is actually and a nice and considerate person, even if he can come off as blunt due to not having many interactions with others, making him awkward at times. He also has a limit to how much he can take before becoming angry. He will gladly fight if he deems the cause or absolutely necessary just but is also very protective of his little brother, as he doesn't want to see Rody get hurt or worse. He's very insecure with showing his face to other people as it was horribly scarred at one point in his past. His goal is assisting Rody with achieving his dream of ridding the world of Grimm, no matter what it takes.

Likes: His friends, Team RWBY, Team JNPR, His brother, food, sleeping, his books, his master, Ozpin, Beacon faculty, and his Order

Dislikes: Cinder and her team, Roman Torchwick, Neopolitan, Team CDNL, The White Fang, Hatch, Happy, and his darkness.

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