Character Bio: Isabella Diaz

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Full Name: Isabella Diaz

Age: Late 30's?

Height: 5'11"

Hair Color: A purplish pink color that comes down past her shoulders but is braided and swept over her left shoulder.

Eye Color: Violet Purple

Skin Color: White

Regular Attire: Isabella wears a dark purple robe with a hood, with her symbol on the back, over top of a long-sleeved lavender shirt with the top two buttons unbuttoned and has two harnesses strapped across her chest in an x-shape. She wears black knee-length pants and purple greaves on her legs and her feet are wrapped in bandages apart from her toes. She often wears black gloves to accompany it and an amulet around her neck that has a symbol representing a mixture between the brother Gods. However, she has strange purple markings going up her arms and recently has made their way to her neck.


Aura Color: Violet

Aura Manipulation: Who do you think Rody and Donald learned it all from? Isabella possesses some top-notch aura control and can even shoot off rounds of aura that have devastating affect and can even create some constructs to attack people with. Her strength is incredible, not to mention her speed and agility put a lot of huntsman and huntresses to shame, only the best being able to contend with her. She also can defend herself incredibly well when she reinforces her body with aura, resulting in explosions (to a certain degree) doing next to nothing to her. She possesses the most out of every one of the main cast.

Semblance(?): It's unclear, as to what her actual ability she gained was when she was younger, however, she has hinted numerous times to be able to naturally fly on her own, a rare ability to have suddenly developed. She floats in the air whenever she is on combat or if she wants to take a stroll without touching the ground.

Unknown Abilities: The source of where Rody, and to an extent Donald, gained theirs from, Isabella seems to have a few in store. Ozpin had once stated that most of her abilities seem to have a magical nature to them...

Healing Factor: Isabella has demonstrated incredible prowess when it comes to healing herself, and to an extent others. However, healing another person requires more of her power to be spent as a result.

High Level Tactician: After training Rody for a while, Isabella would have been one of the smarter fighters to exist. She can analyze/study while she is in the middle of combat and keeps protecting others her top priority, but once she deems so, she will cut loose and go on a rampage with her power should she need to. She isn't a pure of heart though, and if absolutely necessary, she will outweigh the many over the few.

Staff/Walking Stick(Great Thunder): A brown walking stick with markings from ancient times written on it, as well as being topped with a blue gem, this is Isabella's go to when she engages in a fight and has come to rely on it more in recent years. When Rody was younger he commented that she was like a wizard, she always chuckled at that and said he wasn't too far off that mark.

Isabella's origins are a mystery, even Rody and Donald don't know a whole lot about her upbringing, and the only thing their aware of is that she owns the mysterious island she raised the boys on. She was also the one who introduced Donald to the Hidden Ones and gave Rody his semblance ability. She is a caring person, and acts like a loving mother to Donald and Rody, especially after spending years with them and taking them in when they were younger. She especially did this after she found Rody as an infant. Isabella, while nice is not afraid to show her ugly side as she will not hesitate to fight her enemies to the death if need be. She has tried to hide a sort of illness that has been going on and progressing for a long time but has only told Donald and Rody a year prior to going to Beacon Academy. Her reasoning behind that was this; she needed to have a successor inherit her powers and abilities, but only one of them can actually have it. So, it was decided that whoever the better huntsman was, she would give him the power she possessed should she deem him worthy.

Likes: Her family, her boys, Team RWBY, Ozpin, Glynda, Ironwood, Sweets, her staff, Beacon Faculty, and reading.

Dislikes: Cinder and her team, Roman Torchwick, the White Fang, Neopolitan, Miguel Garcia, Hatch, Happy, and shoes.

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