Players and Pieces

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The opening ends to the sight of Rody Azuris chasing after a Nevermore on foot. Now you're probably wondering why this was happening. The answer will shock you, as it did to Rody.


30 seconds. 30 damn seconds he looked away. That's all it took for Ruby to come up with an idea that was so dumb, Rody and Weiss said no, but she did it anyway! Now he has to catch up with them, as he replays the scene in his mind.

Rody had finally convinced Weiss that he knew where they needed to go, after much complaining and insults thrown, she complied. They had Rody then guide them through the forest until Rody spotted a Nevermore feather fall in front of them and raised a hand to stop.

Ruby: What's that?

Weiss: A Nevermore, genius. But where is it?

Rody: It can't be too far away, and I'm not very confident we can take it on while it's in the air.

Ruby: In the air, huh...

Rody & Weiss: Not happening!

Ruby: You don't even know what I was gonna do!

Rody: Use the Nevermore to get a better survey the land, find the temple, then ride the Nevermore to the place!

Ruby: ...You can read minds?!

Rody: Nope! I'm REALLY good at understanding idiots and how they think.

Ruby pouts at that as Rody picks up the feather and surveys seeing a large shadow fly low towards them.

Rody: Alright, stay close to the trees, and we should be able to-

Ruby: NOW!

Rody watched in horror as Ruby grabbed Weiss and with her semblance grabbed the giant birds feet and it whisked them away leaving Rody shocked and stunned before coming back to his senses.

Rody: Son of Bitch!!

He ran after the Nevermore.

Flashback ends...

Rody is steadily keeping pace, as best he can since there are a lot of trees, and nothing was blocking its path. However, that all quickly changed as Rody had found a few beowolves and an Ursa blocking his path.

Rody: Damn it! Move aside chumps!

Rody then charges at the beasts, his fists glowing with aura. Before it connects with beowolf's face, we see the sky.


We then cut to Weiss Schnee and Ruby Rose hanging on to something very feathery and very fast, as evidenced by the loud wind and the two being blown sideways.

Weiss: (shouting to be heard) Ruby! I told you this was a terrible idea!

Ruby: (also raising her voice) We're fine! Stop worrying!

Weiss: I am so far beyond worrying!

Ruby: In a good way?

Weiss: In a bad way! In a very bad way!

Ruby: Well, why don't we just jump?

Weiss: What are you? Insane?!

She is met with silence; Ruby has already disappeared.

Weiss: Oh, you insufferable little red-!

Down on the ground in the Abandoned Temple, Donald Azuris is looking towards the forest while Blake Belladonna is still staring skyward and pointing for Yang Xiao Long to look up after "The Emerald Forest, Pt.2".

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