Character Bio: Donald Felix Copper Azuris Volumes 4-6

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Full Name: "Donnie" Donald Felix Copper Azuris

Age: 18 (Vol. 4-6)

Height: 6'0" (Vol. 4-6)

Hair Color: Black, wavy and longer

Eye Color: Unknown

Skin Color: White

New Attire: Donald has not changed how he wears his shawl over his face; however, he has changed up his appearance overall. Donald now wears a pine green shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, but now he wears two black halters, that form an X on his chest and his back. Donald also wears dark blue pants, but has wrappings around his shins and ankles, leaving his feet bare, and even wears a teal sash around his waist. Donald also now has a scar across his chest, in the same shape Adam Taurus had left it, from his right shoulder all the way down to his left hip. Donald no longer wears the wrist devices and ankle devices to use Dust, as his new fighting style will no longer need to incorporate them. Donald also wears a necklace with a dragon head that was given to him by the Hidden One's. He's also noticeably taller now and has let his hair grow to touch his shoulders, but it's not shown a lot.


Aura Color: Light Blue

Aura Manipulation: Just like Rody, Donald has become proficient in Aura manipulation, even being able to use it in more creative ways than before. Donald is now capable of firing off rounds of his Aura, even shooting a beam of it to deal as much damage as possible, but at the risk of sacrificing a lot of his own Aura. He's become a lot better at enhancing his strength, speed, and durability, even allowing him to enhance his other abilities and powers a lot more than before. 

Unknown Healing Factor: Unlike his brother, Donald seems to possess some kind of unknown healing factor, even if he happens to run out of aura. It comes in handy when he is in a bind, however, he cannot actively use this to heal others. If the damage is lethal, it will heal without lasting effects, but it will leave a scar depending on how serious the damage was.

Semblance(?): Originally, Donald had the ability to manipulate Dust and the elements that accompanied it, such as fire, water, air, earth, lightning, gravity, etc, but now, after training for so long, he's begun to think otherwise. Donald has led himself to believe that he's semblance might be something else entirely, as he feels a sudden surge of strength whenever he grows angry. The abilities he's been using until this point, however, might very well have been something else entirely, something a bit more... magical.

Magic: Somehow, in some way, Donald is the only other male, besides Ozpin, to use magic. The amount he has would've been most likely like Ozpin in his first incarnation, however, he lacks the proper experience to use it to its full extent, as there are no other magic users like him, apart from the maidens.

Unknown Ability: The darkness within his body, it seems to have grown during the Fall of Beacon, and the months following its destruction afterwards. His teeth and fingernails sharpen when it awakens, and if he didn't have his shawl on all the time, his eyes would turn red...

Great Intellect: Donald isn't near Rody's level of intellect when it comes to strategy and other such subjects. However, he has proven to be very capable of adapting in combat, and thanks to his semblance, he is more than able to improvise if need has to, he also can think of ideas on the fly even as he fights.

Donald has become a bit easier to understand nowadays, especially after the Hidden One's exposed themselves to his friends. Donald had joined them when he was 13 years old, after being introduced to them by Isabella Diaz, who had adopted Donald and raised him since he was 5 years old. Despite coming off as cold and calculating, Donald is actually and a nice and considerate person, even if he can come off as blunt due to not having many interactions with others, making him awkward at times. After spending months with Yang, he's become more nicer, and even open to other people as a result. He also has a limit to how much he can take before becoming angry. He will gladly fight if he deems the cause or absolutely necessary just but is also very protective of his little brother, as he doesn't want to see Rody get hurt or worse. He's very insecure with showing his face to other people as it was horribly scarred at one point in his past. His new goal is to help save the world from Salem, bring down her plots, crush Happy, and make sure that everyone else gets the happy ending that seems to elude them, especially since fate seems to have other plans in store for him.

Likes: His friends, Yang, Team RWBY, Team JNPR, His brother, food, sleeping, his books, his master, Ozpin, Oscar, Mistral, and his Order.

Dislikes: Cinder and her team, Salem, Salem's Inner Circle, Ozpin, Neopolitan, The White Fang, Miguel Diaz, Happy, and his darkness.

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