They stop and stood still as the noise echo throughout the room. They stood there waiting for anything to happen and at first it seems everything is fine.

Male ODST: (whisper) Jesus that was close.

Suddenly a drone burst through the catwalk below them and garb the ODST which he begins to fire but he was pulled through and fell.

Dare: Ambush!

Suddenly a swarm of drones came out of their hiding spots and begin theie attack. They all begin to open fire as bullets rang out. They keep firing as they shot down the drones while some fire back with needlers and plasma Pistols ad they shot a few marines and ODST while some drones snuck up behind them so they can grab them and take them away.

One drone tackle a marine to the ground as the marine struggle to get the drone off of him when Rookie fire his SMG and killing the drone. The Rookie helps the marine up and turn and return fire at the drones.

Dare fire her pistol and popping theie heads until she ran out of ammo.

Dare: Crap! Need ammo!

Y/n: Here take my rifle!

He tosses her his rifle while he turn to see our landing in front of him with a brute plasma rifle. Y/n draws out his sword and rush at the drone while the drone fire at him.

He goes through and then gets up close and then slice off the drones head and cut the drone down and once dead he picked up the drones brute plasma rifle and shoot down the drones.

Y/n: This way come on!

Everyone begins to move while they fire at the drones as they managed to get to tye other side. Once everyone is through Y/n shuts the door and lock it so the drones won't get through as he breath a sigh of relief.

Cali: That was close. They knew we were coming.

Y/n: Yeah. We should keep moving.

Cali: Right.

(Sometime later)

They finally arrived at the Superintendents facility and once there they stood in front of a door as Dare tells everyone.

Dare: Me and Rookie will go in and get the package. The rest will stay out here and cover us.

Y/n: Right. Be carful.

She node and her and Rookie head inside while the rest stay on guard.

Watcher: Guys we got company!

Suddenly two Phantoms came down from the hole and hover between two bridges which brutes along with a brute Chieftain came out. The brutes begin to fire at them which they return fire. A few ODST and marines get shot as they get to cover.

One marine was laying on the floor injured but Y/n draf him to cover while he return fire. Once he did that he turn to see the brute Chieftain he roared at him. He sees this and rushes towards him.

The brute Chieftain tells his brutes that the Demon is his so he rush at him and swing his gravity hammer at him but dodges it and fire a few plasma shots from his brute shot but the brute Chieftain was not phase by the shots and knocks him to the ground with a slap.

He got separated from his weapon and then rolled when the brute Chieftain slammed his gravity hammer at him but hits the ground. He gets up and draws out his sword and the two lock eyes.

Y/n: Come and get me.

The brute Chieftain roared and lifted up his gravity hammer and swings it at him but he dodges and few swings and he goes to swing his sword and but his armor was tough.

He continues to swing his blade at him but it doesn't phase him as the brute Chieftain catches his arm and lifted him off of his feet and stare at him. However Y/n stuck a plasma grenade on him and he leaps away just as it goes off and break his shield and armor.

The brute Chieftain stumble backwards and looks at Y/n with now rage as he roared at him and the two were about to continue when suddenly a round of bullets gose through the brute Chieftain and killing it as he fell.

Behind it was an ODST who was not part of their group as the ODST said.

???: Your welcome.

Y/n: Um who are you?

Buck: Gunnery Sargent Buck sir. Leader of Alpha-Nine.

Y/n: Well thanks for the assist but how did you know we were here?

Buck: I didn't. I was suspected Dare to be here. Where is she.

Dare: Right here.

They turn and her and Rookie came out along with the Engineer which most were a bit confused.

Grif: So our package is another Engineer?

Rowen: This doesn't make sense. We already have an Engineer. Why is this one special?

Dare: This one along with the rest hold something important that can ensure us a victory. It can also tell us what the Covenant is looking for.

Cali: I hope so.

Buck: So those things are important?

Dare: Yeah. If we have more that would be good.

Buck: would.

Dare:......You have been killing them haven't you?

Buck: No........maybe a few.........okay maybe a lot.

Dare: Buck.

Buck: What?! How was I suppose to know they are important.

Remington: They didn't join the Covenant in their free will. They were forced just like this one. These poor creatures were enslaved.

Cali: I have to admit I kill a few but after what Y/n told us I feel bad.

Y/n: How's about we change the subject and find a way out of here. We need a ship.

Buck: Luckily for you all me and my guys stole a Phantom.

Y/n: Like a Covenant Phantom? How?

Buck: It's a long story but we got it in the end.

Sarge: Now that's I like to call badass!

Grif: That or insane.

Simmons: Haven't we done insane things before?

Grif: Well this is even more insane. Wait, how do you know how to pilot a Phantom?

Buck: Let's stop all the questions and let's get moving before more show up.

Y/n: Right.

Watcher: Guys we may have a problem. I'm detected Covenant ships ready to glass this city. If we don't get out of this city right now then all of us are cooked.

Donut: Sounds delicious.

Doc: It means death Donut.

Donut: Sounds not delicious.

Sarge: Then what are we waiting for! Let's get a move on!

Buck: Thinking the same thing. Come on I'll show you all the way out.

And so they follow Buck to their escape as we then cut to the surface and sees a lot of Covenant ships ready to glass the city all awhile a massive Covenant ship, the Truth and Reconciliation is seen looking down at the city.

We then cut to the bridge where the Prophet of Truth is at and we see him looking at the veiw of the city as he awaits for his brutes to be ready to glass the hole city into ashes and the great journey be open to them all.

To be continued................................................................

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